Focus "simple focus" (p. 91) "Suppose...that you focus on something that no one else has bothered to think about. In such cases, even a very little creative thinking can produce spectacular results. .... there are inventors who pick out areas that no one else has noticed and with a slight improvement develop a significant invention. Seeking out these unusual and unnoticed focus points is a creative technique..." "specific focus" "The ability to pick and to define a creative focus is an essential part of the skill of creative thinking." Two kinds of Focus 1. General-area-type focus 2. Purpose-type focus (p. 99) When might we try to focus? 1. Defined need or purpose 2. Routine Review 3. Idea Sensitive Point (find points that would respond to a new idea--then come up with new ideas!) 4. Whim -- why not? Multiple Focuses Alternative Definitions Rephrasing the focus