(p. 8) The Theoretical Need passive systems-the recording "surface" and the information are inert, with external organizer acting to relate and move info. active-the information and "surface" are active, self-organizing. Incoming information sets up a sequence of activity. So whenever we look at the world we are only too ready to see the world in terms of our existing patterns. This is what makes perception so powerful and so useful. We are rarely at a loss. We can recognize most situations. This is also why the analysis of information will not yield new ideas. The brain can only see what it is prepared to see (existing patterns). So when we analyze data we can only pick out the idea we already have. (p. 12) ...this pattern-forming and pattern-using behavior ... of the brain is magnificent. Without it, life would be impossible. Perception is the process of setting up and then using these patterns. (p. 15) the brain is a wonderful device for allowing incoming information to organize itself into patterns. Once these patterns are formed, with their broad catchment areas, we use those patterns in the process known as perception. The patterns are not symmetric. This lack of symmetry gives rise both to humor and to creativity. This then is the logical need for creativity. It is the logic of self-organizing patterning systems.