Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 19:20:03 -0500 From: "the rags of time..." Subject: [WRITERS] INT: the emjay interviews slow down...(6) [there are dazed looks in some eyes, and a few participants seem to be wandering close to the edge of the runway...] perhaps we should spend a bit of time considering the categories... here are the first 12: Best All-Around List Member Best Contest Organizer Best Critiquer Best Flame Douser Best Interactive Character Best Interactive Story Best List Pair Best Overall Posts Best Signature File Best TECH Contributor Best Website (appearance) Best Writing Exercises there has been some call for nominations. So today, under the bright lights (hah! those are just pixels glowing...), let us hear some nominations and campaigning for these 12 titles. Feel free to tell us why someone really qualifies for one of these positions. (You want to nominate your teddy bear? Oh, he has his own email address? Well, I guess if you think Pooh really has been the best, you should nominate him.) Remember, lay out the background and make us really feel like we are there as you proclaim the qualifications of your candidates. Whether you want to borrow Robyn's soapbox and drag it over the cobbles in the town square, conjure up a storm and address us with the voice of a tornado shrieking across the flat lands in the heart of America, harangue us across the channels of cable television, or quietly talk to the rows as you hoe in your garden, build that setting and show it to us. [incidentally, I'm trying to collect the interview material at the emjay 1998 pages but due to technical difficulty -- I goofed! -- I may have dropped some on the floor. If you sent something and I seem to have missed it, feel free to let me know...] "Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, An' foolish notion." Robert Burns tink