Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 14:10:55 EDT From: the depths of time Subject: EXERCISE: Myths the Word Comments: To: tomorrow's child Ready to roll? Here we go... 1. Thaukt (Thokk) In Nordic myth a giantess who after the death of Balder was the only person who refused to weep for his passing, thereby preventing him from being raised from the dead. 2. Hochigan Being in the Bushmen Creation Legends. In the beginning, animals were endowed with speech. Hochigan hated animals. He disappeared one day, taking with him the power of speech they had. 3. Blodeuwedd In Celtic myth she was "Flower Face", the wife of Lleu, who conspired with Gronw Pebyr to kill him. As a punishment she was changed into an owl by Gwydion, the father of Lleu. 4. Kaizuki In Buganda he is the brother of Death, who is unsuccessful in his attempts to kill his brother, and so prevent human beings from dying. 5. Toruguenket The moon, the principle of evil in the Creation Legend of the northern Tupi-Guarani tribes. It is supposed that periodically the moon falls on the earth and destroys it and that it is the source of all baneful happenings such as floods and thunder-storms. 6. Gwyddno One of the heroes of British Celtic myth, also known as Longshanks. He was the possessor of the magic basket or cauldron which formed part of the treasures of Britain and which was capable of feeding one hundred people if food for one was put in it. [myth quotes from"Who's Who in Non-Classical Mythology" by Egerton Sykes, Revised by Alan Kendall, ISBN 0-460-86136-0, Oxford University Press, New York 1993] okay? got your myth in head? now, modernize it. make a scene, a story, revolving around the story inside the myth. if you want to do magic realism, that's fine. or maybe you want to do a poem, exploring the myth understandings? sure, sure, why not? myth and max, myth and max...a plaid on a pattern, that's myth and maxing... did you myth this one? tink