Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 22:55:20 EDT From: Mike Barker Subject: Re: f: dogs vs. skunks huh. I was going to make some silly joke about buying your tomato juice now (since that is the remedy I grew up with--pink dogs, pink tink a time or two...I like skunks, but they do get excited easy). Anyway, I thought I would double-check that I had the right juice (I wouldn't want to confuse anyone's impression of my fallibility, especially when I'm crossing out cathedrals) and stumbled across some interesting news: both these and others say to try this instead. Here's the potion: 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide (from a pharmacy) 1/4 cup baking soda 1 teaspoon liquid soap Mix together and wash, keeping the mixture out of the animal's eyes, nose and mouth. Follow with a thorough tap water rinse. NOTE: Mix it fresh and discard any leftovers. Put away, you risk an oxygen explosion, which is not a good thing. [do you want a pink dog or a surfing blonde dog?] Now I'll have to raid the lab for some Butyl Mercaptan to check this out...although according to that may not be the real eau de skunk chemical at all, I've been exposed to it and it will do... Oh, yes. If you want advice on skunks, start with that page: amazing what is out there on the web... tink