Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:25:50 EDT From: more tink Subject: Re: F:The convinience of a hole... [just some vagrant words...thoughts dragging along behind...] on the stroke of Thu, 31 Jul 1997 02:21:49 -0400, CK mottled: :) That, or be throttled by the handsome and devestatingly intelligent :) gentleman who's secret I keep... *wink* ah, but do you keep it in a jar on your mantle? and if so, what fluid embalms the secret so carefully kept? or is it pickled in the tub? (in vino veritas...means you gotta have purple skin to paddle in the truth?) maybe it's hanging on the wall in a nice oak frame? and what strange taxidermist did the deed for you? cut and stretched and tanned that secret just for you? or perhaps you keep it mashed flat ______________ in your wallet where you can take it out and show it to strangers? or is it clutched tight to your bosom, a secret well-kept and warm? Like Gulliver in Brodingnab? :) ahh, but to die in those arms would be worth it *g* and parting is such sweet sorrow? :-) tink