Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 14:18:38 -0500 From: Deborah Bertha Subject: TECH: Three Dimensional Character Chart Here's the analysis worksheet I promised. I am certain my prof had a source for at least part of this, but I don't know what it is. Will find out Name Sex Age Birthdate Birthplace Ethnicity Nationality Religion Both parents same religion? Feelings about religion Languages spoken Political affiliation. Why? Class designation in society. Always been in this strata? Morals Feelings about morals of others Ambitions Education Date graduated Major. Same as when begun? NAme of School Location of School Married/Divorced/Single? Why? Father Profession Living or dead? Mother Profession Living or dead? Parents divorced? Happily Married? Unhappily married? How did parents relationship impact character? Brothers (#) Sisters(#) Happy home life? Unusual information regarding home life/family Is this family open or secretive? Social or do they keep to themselves Physical Appearance Height Weight Eyes (color/shape) Hair (color/texture/hairline) Forehead Jawline Lips Mouth Eyebrows Hands Fingers Shoulders Limbs Complexion Face Breasts Waist Hips Neck Ears Nose Teeth Type of body Birthmarks/scars Posture What overall impression does characters general appearance give?(i.e. perception of others) Occupation/Profession Union member? Education in work Favorite subjects in school (high school, college, on job) Poorest subjects (" ") Grades Quality of work performed (in high school, college, on job) Reputation (in school, on job) Hours worked Income Has this person spent any time unemployed? How did they deal with it? Is this person likely to have savings in case of unemployment? Military service Branch Country Enlisted Rank Highest rank achieved Service dates Unit or legion Served under whom Campaigns Decorations if applicable Opinions of superior officers of this character (performacne reviews) Character Trait Analysis Major Traits (physical, mental, emotional) Minor Traits Outstanding qualities Inferior qualities Habitial expressions/mannerisms Fears Frustrations Complexes Temperament Emotions Attitude toward life Leader/Follower/Observer/Dropout Most significant life event First love interest/terms under wich relationship ended (age, feelings, et.) What is this character most ashamed of/most proud of? Which family member does he/she like the least. Would you, as a person, want to be in a highly charged or dangerous situation with your character on your side? Why? Likes children?Has children? Likes animals? Dislikes any particular type of animals? Bothered by bugs? Has character kept friends from early childhood? If no, why? How often has character moved in lifetime? What is most important aspect of "home"? Most prized possession. Acquired how? Person character looks up to, would most like to emulate Does character drink alcohol? Has ever used drugs? Which ones? Still uses? How does character describe own friends? Is character sincere or sarcastic? What defense mechanisms does he/she use to defend self from world/antagonists? Feelings on violence? Familiar with firearms? Style of confrontation -- low-key, avoids, aggressive, controlled. Physical description of emotions such as anger or sadness. Does character sleep well -- fall asleep quickly, have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. When woken up in middl eof night, what is character's first thought -- annoyed or afraid? Personal Inforation Hobbies or favorite pastimes Favorite books Magazines Newspaper Records Color(s) Taste in jewelry selection of men/women Favorite entertainment Foods Drinks Clothes House or apartment City or Country background Describe furnishings of home (colors, materials, smells) What memories are evoked by home furnishings? There it is...hope it helps someone! Deb Courtney -- Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes