Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 21:16:06 -0400 From: Kat Reinholz Subject: INT: Return to the Keep As Myce Elf rode the hallways astride the giant beast, Tolstoy, she couldn't help feeling that something wasn't quite right. The castle denizens were coming and going upon their normal tasks. The gnolls were doing gnollish things that no one wants to gnoll about, and the rats were forming a Circu Macabre for the upcoming Laborus day celebration. But in her office of Captain of the Guard, Myce Elf knew that something wasn't right in the Keep. "Let's go down the Hall of the Master's, Tolstoy. I wish to view the paintings of the past, present, and future Masters of the Keep. Perhaps something has changed there that I should know of." Tolstoy growled his assent, and bounced down the hallways, pausing only to capture and eat a sheep-sized black rat. "Tolstoy," Myce admonished, "You just ate Jester. Now what are the rats going to do for their clown act?" Tolstoy picked his teeth with his claws and let out a noise somewhat resembling a burp. "I understand, after such a long sleep you must have been hungry. " Myce patted Tolstoy lovingly. "I could almost eat a rat myself. Let's go to the kitchen before we go to the Hall of Masters." ------------------------------------------------------------ Kat Reinholz