Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 12:14:26 EST From: sssssss-tink Subject: SUB: A Bit of Broken Verse Comments: To: ground zero [er..a phrase caught my nerve snarls, dragged and yanked, and I decided to let the fragment offense intended...tink] comments? thanks in advance, as I'm a bit confused as to whether or not I like this enough to spend any more time on it... tink -+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+- gothic punk chick pink yellow spiked hair gloomy arches sporting rows of tiny silver rings and a serious leather biker's jacket covers.soft.down. still.damp. as.wobbly.legs. stamp. been hurt so much that.pain. caresses like a friend needle and ice in your ear the great cuckoo of the universe laid another soft-boiled egg and out of the crack with a razor blade slash crept a gothic punk chick. gotta love it. strutting fear, twittering in-yo-face anger (with a tremolo of "do you see me?" and an undertone of "could you love me?") black gothic arches, strident punk rocker, soft chick in a nest, yearns to fly. -+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-.-+=+-