Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 13:13:07 -0400 From: "S. Moskowitz" Subject: f: cast of characters, pt. 2 Two characters from Izzy and Shig's town, who will be joining them in SF: Phil--Tanned, muscular, lantern-jawed, athletic and disarmingly polite, Phil is Izzy's least extinguished old flame; repeated attempts at romance ended not with definitive breakups, but with one or the other temporarily moving across/out of the country. A very intelligent man, but somewhat lacking in sense. Breaks rules as a matter of course, even rules he essentially agrees with. Enjoys scuba diving, spelunking, climbing frozen water falls, river-diving off of high bridges, wandering through national forests for days with nothing but his sleeping bag and knowledge of edible native plants. Able to work phrases like "So, I was skinning this mountain lion . . . " into every-day conversations without batting an eye. Born and raised in N. FL farm country, he has become an avid self-educated reader of literature and a classical music aficionado, possibly in an attempt to 'rise above' his roots. Currently teaching introductory biology at a community college. Absolutely a player, yet perennially surprised and upset when the temporary objects of his affections are less-than-happy with the arrangement (if they are finally informed of it via some other source, that is). His current relationship with Izzy involves a great deal of mostly-good-natured bickering and sniping, both ways. Fond beer-drinking buddy of Shig and tequila-drinking buddy of . . . Gwen--One of Izzy's closest female friends. Lived down the hall in freshman dorm and shared a house with her and two others junior year. Dropped out of college study in biology and geology with terrible grades and worse debt, but has since returned to school, becoming a straight-'A' classics student. She is very bright, with an ascerbic, irreverent wit and the deceptively sweet big-blue-eyed face of an early Renaissance Madonna. Currently happily settled down with a long-term beau after a years of hard-core cynicism in romantic matters. Fiercely independent. Willing to go to great lengths for her friends, once even trying to seduce Izzy in an attempt to get her out of an abusive relationship after less drastic measures ("I had this dream last night that you were getting married, but not to *him*, it was some blonde guy . . .") had failed. A loyal, compassionate, nurturing soul, but likely to claw your eyes out if you accuse her of such. Upon meeting her, strangers that she doesn't take an instant liking to are likely to wander away shaking their heads in despair and muttering, "what did I say? I don't *think* I said anything offensive . . ." Likes rocks, horses, symphony concerts, ballet, terrible B-movies, and setting small objects on fire "just to see what happens". to be continued . . . Izzy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharon Moskowitz is not out-of-date, but merely irrelevant. A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. -- William James