Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 16:11:27 EST From: CJ Vaughan Subject: INT: The Hub: On the Hub RESERVED: Capt. Carl North, The Sea Dog, Lt. Ronald Willis, Iron Mack, and Louise Willis' hand was still shaking an hour after the Monconians had wrapped up their customs "inspection". They had bombarded him with every imaginable scanning device - and then pulled out a dozen more he'd never imagined. North had remained calm throughout the examination, even when the fat Monconian inspector was putting on the surgical gloves. Willis looked over at him, walking without a care through the midst of dozens of alien species. "Christ, I didn't know there'd be so many of them," Willis whispered. "So many of them, who?" North didn't bother to look at Willis as he talked. "Aliens." North grinned. "We're on an alien space station in the middle of a thousand inhabitted worlds, what did you think we'd find, here?" "Yeah, but they're everywhere." Willis looked around in disgust. "Swarming like ants." North stopped short, causing Willis to almost stumble to stop himself. A couple of cat-like aliens walking behind them hissed at the sudden interruption in corridor traffic. "Sorry," North said gallantly, then stepped back. The aliens went through, giving them dirty looks as they passed. "Humans," one of them muttered as if it were the name of a disease. "Look," North said, pulling Willis closer to him so they didn't block the aisle. "This station is full of xenophobes. You can stay in your God damned cabint he whole time we're here, okay? You can do holo-programs all day and have them send almost-human whores to your room all night. You could spend the rest of your life in your cabin and die happy - so just chill out a little longer." Willis looked around and shrugged. "Easy for you to say. You *like* these creepy-crawlies. Personally, I think they should have stayed under their stone." North shook his head, then a smile slipped across his lips. "I know what you need." "What?" "When was the last time you had any tequilla?" "Really? You have some?" North shook his head. "No. *But*, I know where we can get some." "Lead the way." North lead Willis over to a conical room. A moment later the coridors were shut off from the room and it began to move. "Shit," Willis said. North laughed. "Sorry, should have warned you about that," he said. A moment later the room stopped and the doors slid open. "Come on," North said, pushing through the crowd. On the left was a large bar called "Ten Forward". They moved past it, to Willis' dismay. "Hey, I thought we were gonna get some tequilla?" "Not there. Not unless your life insurance is paid up." They moved through the corridors past the bar. For the first time Willis noticed a crack in North's composure. He was looking around, nervously. "Hurry," North said, slipping through the crowd as quietly as he could. Willis followed him and they soon had made their way down into a narrow side tunnel. It was sparsely populated, and they could move around, freely, for the first time. "This is the wrong-side-of-the-tracks, so to speak," North said as he lead Willis through the dark, smokey sections of The Hub. Most of the people they passed seemed to be friendly enough, though they still looked decidedly alien to Willis. Then they came upon a side bar. "There it is," North said, grinning, "'Ye Olde Bucket o' Blood'." "What?" "Don't worry, it's a metaphor," North said, quickly. They went inside, pushing through rusty, metal doors. Inside the bar was dark except for some glowing signs and floating candles on all the tables. There were about twenty people inside, all nursing drinks quietly. "Humans?" Willis looked around, grinning. "There are about 140 humans on The Hub, permanently," North said. "Given time, they all wind up here. It's 100% pure Earth food and drink." "All right." They walked over and sat at a corner table. "Privacy," North said and a metal cylander slid up from the floor to the ceiling, surrounding them. "What can I get you gents?" The voice came over a speaker built into the table. "Tequilla," Willis said. "Two bottles, no cups." Then he looked up at North. "What do you want, boss?" North grinned. "Cola." "Over in a few," the voice said. Two chirps indicated the line was closed. "Lights at 40%," North said. The table began to glow, slightly. "We should talk, now. Then, you can do your thing until I'm ready to leave for home." "Shoot," Willis said. Okay. First, you don't know me. From the time I leave you until the time I get you in the next month or so, if anyone asks, you're here alone. I don't exist." Willis frowned. "No, let me finish," North said. "I know this is strange, but I've been here on more than one ocassion, and I'm not as popular as I'd like to be." "Fine." "The other thing is keep a low profile. Spend your time in this area when you do go out. Pay your tabs, pay your bills - whether you're happy with the service or not. We can't afford to attract too much attention." Willis sighed, then nodded. "Good. If you get into any trouble contact the consulate." A small door in the cone slid open and the bartender handed their drinks in through the opening. It slid closed a moment later, leaving them with their drinks. North clinked his cola against one of Willis' tequilla bottles. The worm inside spun around. "Success," North said. "Success," Willis echoed. North walked down the coridor to his quarters after aranging for Willis to be taken to his cabin with the remainder of his tequilla. He looked around, nervously, as he made his way through the crownds. "North?" The voice was impossibly deep, making the pit of his stomach vibrate. He turned slowly, smiling. "Iron..." His words were cut off as a powerful hand closed on his throat and he was hoisted high into the air. He kicked and founght against his attacker, but it was useless. Then he felt himself drop to the deck. He looked up and grinned. "Iron Mack," he said. Before his, a seven foor Moncavian was grinning down at him. Behind the giant was a slightly shorter Moncavian female. "Hello, Carl," she said, smiling. "Louise." Iron Mack reached out and helped North to his feet. North could feel Mack's cybernetic arm through the mesh of the big alien's green jumpsuit. "We've got to talk," Louise said. "Lead the way," North said. Chris Vaughan