Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 03:13:00 -0400 From: Ray McDowell Subject: Re: INT: SPT / PAPP: Two Sinister New Allivals... ("We not after dlunk flogs or ploplietors anyway... where is the lenegade Locky?" "WHO?" the bar choruses back. "Locky! Arias Litchy! The irregal seclet arien spy who prots to take contlol of... of the prace we come flom! Who steers the fires of dissident porice poetly and pletends it his own lighting, and DOESN'T GIVE US LOYALTIES!!!!") Komrade Rqy, kneeling in abject abeysance before Judy, leans forward, raises his hind end and peers between his legs. He can hardly believe what he sees. The Starsky and Hutch of the new Hong Kong Special Regional Administration Fleerance Porice, Messers Lo and Chong. During the puzzled silence, Rqy raises up on his tippy toes and finger tips. He begins inching his way towards the door. (Then a small shocked voice speaks; it is not certain whose it is, but it must certainly speak for all writers... "Yer means... royalties? Somebuddy 'ere... 'as p-p-p-plagerriseded...") Komrade Rqy freezes in mid-inch. Behind the camaflauge of his orange and purple checkered polyester suit, he eyes the assembled WRITERS warily and feels an eery chill race up and down his spine. ("Nonthenth!" says the frog stoutly (if indistinctly). "None o' uth 'ud evah..." But it is apparent that the seeds of suspicion have been sown. The WRITERS peer at each other uneasily, wondering if it could be possible... wondering if it could be true... wondering who the heck has a name like Locky or Litchy anyway... wondering what the heck kind of speech impediment they're dealing with now... "Sirence! We know he here. We tlace him by tlail of Rime and Chiri Tostitos. Lo Rat Fink, find curprit while I watch door." Smugly, knowing that a divided crowd is a compliant crowd, Chong Kew Law steps back through the door. There is a clatter and muffled curses from the other side, then an ominous-sounding click. Lo Rat Fink begins to peer into the faces of the stunned WRITERS, holding his menacing machine pistol on each in turn. Until suddenly he stops... and a worshipful look comes over his narrow ratlike face. "June Creaver?" he breathes... and lets his gun sink slowly to the floor...) Seeing his chance, Rqy reverses field away from the door and heads as fast as his fingers and toes can carry him towards the kitchen, but finds himself blocked by Omar's tent. Suddenly, Judy rises from her seat and begins to recite.... ("I think that I will never see, a poem as lovely as a tree....Double bubble toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldren bubble.....Out out damn spot!) Judy's ploy is just the opportunity he's looking for. While everyone is distracted by her dramatic display, he grabs the suitcase she left behind and rushes out the door. Unfortunately, it is the wrong door. Rqy has dropped through the portal into the Dysmal Keep. Freely Plagerised from the Work of BT, Judy, Chris V., Phanny, Will Shakespeare, Emily Dickenson by Komrade Rqy of the HKSAR.