Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 21:04:03 -0400 From: "Dustin S. Klein" Subject: Re: INT: PAPP: Dresses and prizes Meanwhile, Dustin, still woozy from a terrible case of 'net withdrawal, slowly ambles into Dwayne's with Rqy and Xiao Da Shing Shing. "I can't figure out how this Summer Writing Contest came and went so quickly," he said. "It seems like only yesterday we were having the Valentine's Day contest and before that the Halloween contest." "Don't sweat it," Xiao chirped. "It's all circular. It'll get back around before you know it." He fluttered over to the bar and ordered a round of drinks for the trio. "Suck down a couple brews and let's find the ladies." Dwayne dropped three beers and a handful of sunflower seeds on the bar, then disappeared... a sly grin on his face. "What was that all about?" Rqy wondered. _________________________________ << All is well when she gets out of the machine and walks back into the ladies room. Phanny and Woofie are there too, primping and getting dressed, and Phanny looks at her dress, saying "You done good, Judy", smiling. Together, the three of them now withdraw into the feminine mysteries, not to reappear until the awards ceremonies....... >>