Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 22:44:18 EST From: "I, teop on" Subject: FILLER: Something Glistens In The Moonlight Comments: To: the sunset of words hi, bill. shall we dance, cha-cha-cha? [a bit of something, but my own...] Something Glistens In The Moonlight the lake of winds, reflecting nothing, still lies whispering beneath the unfeeling sky. What terror! to rise and fly on unseen skis triumphant, towed across the wakes of passing ships, storm tossed, yet skimming, a wild glide over the spewing depths to fall, perhaps? into what abnormal monstrous mouths, driven by the strangeness of unknown fantastic brains to blow and breach the unceasing hot winds of words? what if those twisted muses should cease to expire, and instead, inspire? should we perspire? still, the lake of winds, reflecting nothing, whispers a siren call beneath the unfeeling sky. What feeling! to slowly work the visible shapes recalcitrant, to reach out to rise and part the waters, to force self above the force of Newton's apple. Charon? Start your damned motorboat, for I would ski today! on word and up word. I write. I am. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=