Dear Author: Thank you very much for letting us see the enclosed submission. Unfortunately, it does not suit the needs of the publication at this time. Your submission has been read by an editor and the publication's editorial staff, and we have reached the following conclusions about the work: _____ IDEA OR THEME. The story lacks a new idea or theme. A great many of the ideas that may seem innovative to an SF newcomer are, in fact, overfamiliar to readers more experienced in the field. _____ SCIENCE/SPECULATION. The story lacks a strong scientific or speculative base. If the SF element can be lifted out of the plot without affecting the overall story, then all the author's done is take an existing storyline and add SF elements. Science and/or speculation must be an essential part of the story, or it's simply not science fiction. _____ CHARACTERS. The story lacks believable, interesting and/or well-developed characters. _____ PLOT. The story lacks a plot, and/or is merely a discourse between characters on some new scientific theory. _____ SETTING. The story lacks a credible setting, and/or the author violates the conventions of his or her setting. _____ DIALOGUE. The dialogue in the story is stilted, overly filled with technobabble, or relies too heavily on scientific explanations to move the plot forward. _____ NARRATION. The story lacks a strong narrative, and/or the author has violated the conventions of narrative writing without clear reason. _____ COMPOSITIONAL SKILLS. The story lacks basic compositional skills on the part of the author. By this, we mean that the writer has misspelled or misused everyday words, and/or mispunctuated same, or provided work that is not grammatically sound. The story has been rejected on this basis because a writer must be familiar with the tools of his or her trade, just as an electrician or carpenter must. _____ UNIQUENESS. The story was rejected, not because it lacked a new idea, interesting characters or setting, or a strong scientific/speculative basis, or because the writing was not "professional" enough, but simply because it failed to rise far enough above the other stories submitted. _____ OTHER. (Please Specify): Sincerely, The Editorial Staff