Sinan KetenPh.D Candidate
Research Focus |
My research is focused on multi-scale modeling of the size dependent mechanical properties of β - structures in protein materials. Beta-sheet and beta-solenoid nanostructures are commonly found in spider silk, extra-cellular matrix, muscle tissue, virulence factors and amyloid fibrils. These fibrous materials exhibit exceptional mechanical properties that derive from size and scale dependent features extending from nano to macro. I’m particularly interested in exploring the handshaking between weak chemical bonds that constitute biomolecules and their precise ultrastructural features to elucidate biological material design principles for achieving high strength, toughness, adaptability and robustness. Improving current understanding of the self-assembly (association) and fracture (dissociation) processes in proteins is fundamental for progress in biophysics and medicine, and also sets the stage for developing novel biological / biomimetic materials for a myriad of applications in engineering.
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