Dipanjan Sen

Graduate Student

Office: 1-131
Phone number: 617-452-3438
Fax: 617-324-4014

Research Focus

Interests: (a) Fracture mechanics of brittle materials, in particular graphene, CNTs, silicon, silicon dioxide (b) Fracture and toughness behavior of nanocomposites, in particular biomimetic designs (c) Atomistic and theoretical modeling of structural hierarchy in natural structural materials

My main project is design of bio-inspired metal-metal or metal-ceramic composite structures for shock loading applications. The inspiration from natural materials such as bone and nacre arises from the improved strength and fracture toughness of these materials, as compared to their constituents with inferior properties. The overlying aim is to create engineering composites that are both stiff and tough. A critical factor in providing improved properties is postulated to arise from the hierarchical arrangement, and it is necessary to also study theoretical models of hierarchical assemblies of structural elements, and study what improvements such arrangements provide us for mechanical properties. On a conceptual design scale, this allows us to decide if hierarchies are useful for a certain design.


2005 - Present: Ph.D. student, Materials Science and Engineering, MIT
2003-2005 M.S., Materials Science and Engg., Ohio State University.
1998-2002 B.Tech., Mechanical Engg., Indian Institute of Tech Delhi




  • D. Sen and M.J. Buehler, "Crystal size controls deformation mechanism: Breakdown of dislocation mediated plasticity at nanoscale," Physical Review B, Vol. 77, paper number 195439, 2008
  • D. Sen and M. Buehler, "Shock Loading of Bone-Inspired Metallic Nanocomposites", Solid State Phenomena, Vol.139, pp. 11-22, 2008.
  • M.J. Buehler, A. Cohen, D. Sen, "Multi-paradigm modeling of fracture of a silicon single crystal under mode II shear loading", Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Vol. 2(2), pp. 203-221, 2008.
  • D. Sen and M.J. Buehler, "Simulating chemistry in mechanical deformation of metals", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Vol. 5(3-4), pp. 181-202, 2007.


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