2021 August
New Publication!!! Congratulations to all the people involved in our new publication in Science Advances!!!!!! Congrats Cynthia!!! Click here
2021 July
New Publication!!! Congratulations to all the people involved in our new publication in Biomaterials!!!!!! Congrats Jason and Shun!!! Free access here !
2021 July
We are hiring!!! Postdoctoral and lab manager positions open! Contact Prof Roger D Kamm. More info here !
2021 July
Announcement!!! The Kamm Lab is on Twitter!!! Follow us here !
2021 February
New publication from the lab! Congratulations to all the people involved! Great work! "The cancer glycocalyx mediates intravascular adhesion and extravasation during metastatic dissemination"
2021 February
New publication from the lab and sharing some love with our lovely micro-hearts. Congratulations to all the people involved! Great work! "Microheart: A microfluidic pump for functional vascular culture in microphysiological systems"
2021 January
New publication from the lab on Lab on a Chip! Congratulations to all the people involved! Great work! "Vascularized organoids on a chip: strategies for engineering organoids with functional vasculature"
2021 January
Congratulations to Yoojin for starting a new position as a Scientist at Sanofi!
2020 December
Congratulations to the Rising Star Dr. Giovanni Offeddu. Well done Gio, keep shining! "THE 2020 RISING STARS IN ENGINEERING IN HEALTH!"
2020 October
Congratulations to Dr. Cynthia Hajal for succesfully defending her PhD thesis! Great work! "Congratulations to Dr. Cynthia Hajal of MIT"
2020 October
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Shelton for her poster award at the Vascular Biology meeting. Well done Sarah! "Vascular Biology Poster Awards"
2020 September
Welcome to the team! We are very happy to welcome our two new members: Marie Anna Floryan as a Graduate student and Dr. Georgios Pavlou as a Postdoctoral fellow.
2020 February
Congratulations to Dr. Anya B Roberts for succesfully defending her PhD thesis! Great work Anya!
2020 January
Dr. Tatsuya Osaki's paper "On-chip 3D neuromuscular model for drug screening and precision medicine in neuromuscular disease" has been published on Nature Protocols.
2019 December
Roger Kamm has been named the recipient of the 2020 Shu Chien Achievement Award by the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) Special Interest Group of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
2019 November
Dr. Giovanni Offeddu's paper "Application of Transmural Flow Across In Vitro Microvasculature Enables Direct Sampling of Interstitial Therapeutic Molecule Distribution" has been selected as the cover for Small.
2019 October
Cynthia Hajal presented her work at MIT Mech E research exhibition. Click here for MIT News
Dr. Kristina Haase's paper "Pericytes Contribute to Dysfunction in a Human 3D Model of Placental Microvasculature through VEGFâ€Angâ€Tie2 Signaling" has been published on Advanced Science.
2019 September
Dr. Giovanni Offeddu's BIG paper "Application of Transmural Flow Across In Vitro Microvasculature Enables Direct Sampling of Interstitial Therapeutic Molecule Distribution" has been published on Small.
2019 August
Dr. Yoojin Shin's paper "Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in a 3D In Vitro Model of Alzheimer's Disease" has been published on Advanced Science. Click here for MIT News
2018 Octber
Dr. Kristina Haase wins Outstanding poster award at Vascular Biology 2018 (NAVBO meeting) entitled "Placental pericytes contribute to dysfunction and inflammation in a 3D model of placental microvasculature through VEGF-Ang-Tie2 signaling"
2018 Octber
"Microphysiological 3D model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) from human iPS-derived muscle cells and optogenetic motor neurons" have been published in Science Advances
2018 March
Neuromuscular junction on a chip is picked up on Discover gallery.