Hi! My name is Miguel Pardal.
I am
years old and I live in Lisbon, Portugal.
I am married to Joana.
I am passionate about life and knowledge. I like science, arts, and other manifestations of intellect and intuition. All that leads to the True, the Good, and the Beautiful!
I have been a Lecturer at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
since September 2002.
My current position is Assistant Professor.
My teaching has been mostly dedicated to Network and Computer Security, Distributed Systems, and Operating Systems.
I am a Researcher at INESC-ID.
My current research is on Cybersecurity at the forefront of the Internet of Things and Cloud technologies.
Selected recent papers (since 2021):
More about my work:
For students:
©2000-2024 Miguel L. Pardal