Here is the usage statistics as seen by AGENT-86.MIT.EDU. You may want to consult your network map so that you understand what data would be seen from that point on the network. For example, no traffic from the Student Center Athena cluster to WWW.MIT.EDU would be included because the requests would go through W20-RTR and never go onto the FDDI. Also keep in mind that this has a breakdown by TCP port which does not necessarily indicate what kind of packet it was. People run servers (of all sorts) on ports which are not strictly speaking assigned to that port (like WWW.MIT.EDU running its Web server on port 8001).
As usual, there is some error associated with these statistics. They should only be used as approximations. The following stats were taken on Tuesday March 19th, 1996 from 5PM to 6 PM.
NOTE: The percentages in the TCP Top 10 List Have been corrected. They were half the value they should have been.
Also note that it is suspected that the stats gathering machine could not keep up with the traffic, so the total number of packets and bytes might be lower than reality, but it will be the same order of magnitude.
Things to keep in mind:
Total Number of IP Packets: 10694000 Total Bytes of IP Data: 3666568485
Protocol % Packets Bytes -------- --- ------- ---------- TCP 70.0 7486494 2198822421 UDP 24.9 2659949 1311265038 IP in IP 3.8 404498 134330764 ICMP 1.1 112297 8003687 IGMP 0.3 28773 13911139 OSPFIGP <0.1 1965 212660 IGP <0.1 24 22776
Port Number Common Use % Packets Bytes ----------- ---------- ---- ------- --------- 80 HTTP 34.7 2597903 835196608 20 FTP-DATA 13.6 1044415 431613744 119 NNTP 11.2 844106 348644728 23 TELNET 10.2 767078 46180238 6000 X11 4.6 342845 49044509 25 SMTP 4.2 317232 54537395 6667 IRC 3.0 226763 32570419 1109 KPOP 1.7 126164 31549986 8001 HTTP Alternate 1.6 123009 42420136 1501 IRC Feed 1.4 103556 77751311
I hope that helps!