Check out our upcoming events in the calendar! You can learn more about our regular events in the descriptions below. Events are open to all current MIT students, and if you want to learn more about any particular event, reach out to us through the contact form!
In addition to events we hold on campus for ACF, students also engage in the local church community to seek teaching and live out our role in the larger Cambridge/Boston area. While we are not officially in partnership with any particular church, members of ACF consistently go to several different local churches near campus on Sunday mornings; some engage additionally through serving or discipleship in the church. See below for general information about the churches that most of our members attend, and check the calendar for details on where and when we meet!
Cambridge Community Fellowship Church
234 Franklin St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Aletheia Church
820 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Community groups are smaller subcommunities within ACF that seek to be transformed by God's presence and to live out his calling for us to love one another in community. Each group gathers regularly to share life with each other, grow in faith, and have fun together! Each CG has a weekly core meeting, which typically includes communal sharing, prayer, and studying God's word. Throughout the semester, CGs will also have additional informal get-togethers, both regular and spontaneous, for food, fun, and fellowship.
Led by Erica Weng and Daniel Stein
Meets Tuesdays 5-7pm
at W11 Christian Fellowship Lounge
Led by Grace Lam, Abraham Skandera,
Cindy Wang, and Doreen Chin
Meets Saturdays 8:30-10pm at
McCormick Country Kitchen
Led by Shirley Cao and William Luo
Meets Mondays 8–10pm
at W11 Christian Fellowship Lounge
Led by Chris Wang
Meets Thursdays 8-10pm
at W11-080 Christian Fellowship Lounge
The entire fellowship meets weekly on Friday nights at Large Group to live out our calling as a Christ-centered community – that is, to learn about, share, and experience God's transformative love together. Throughout the year, we cover several themes across different large groups and focus each one on a different topic. Large group activities vary from week to week, including but not limited to musical worship, prayer, small group discussions, testimonies and large group sharing, and guest speakers.
After large group, people will often stick around for a post-large group activity or to hang out or get food. As an entry point to learning more about the community as a whole and getting involved, we definitely recommend that you check out our next large group!
Retreats are one of many ways that we are able to set aside extended time away from MIT to explore and grow in faith as a community, to cast and live out vision for the direction of the fellowship, and to engage with other New England InterVarsity chapters in learning about and worshipping God. MIT ACF has several retreats throughout the year:
We will be working hard this semester to put together a variety of community events throughout the semester. Keep an eye peeled for announcements of these events. There will be study breaks, intramural volleyball, restaurant trips, and more! Apart from the formally organized events, people frequently Slack out about informal hangout sessions too!