- Online EducationRecently Stanford announced new educational initiatives from the CS department and the School of Engineering. (See Links below)
http://www.i-programmer.info/news/150-training-a-education/2917-more-free- online-courses.html
Discussion: What are the implications for MIT strategy?
- Modularity Experiments
- Discussion on the ME and Chemistry experiments and next steps
- Discussion of EECS Proposal (Sent earlier by Dan. Attached)
- Other projects
- Communication plans:
- Academic Council; Departments;
- Other
o Desired Outcomes
- Timetable for MITCET Experiments (Please see attached draft)
Discussion: What does MITCET want to learn from the experiments, and what are the implications for data collection and assessment?
- LMS Strategy: Review of the results of the Blackboard experiment. Implication and next steps.