of MIT with building 26 highlighted
From Mass Av to Building 26:
- Walk into MIT's main entrance, Lobby 7 (77 Massachuesetts Avenue)
- Walk straight down the Infinite Cooridor, all the way to the end, passing building 4 on your right. (This will bring you to the end of Building 8).
- Staying inside, turn left and proceed a short way.
- Turn right up a half flight of stairs.
- For rooms 26-204 and 26-210, turn left and proceed across an enclosed bridge into building 26.
Our rooms are the first two on the left.
- For room 26-310, turn left and right, and take the elevator to the third floor.
After getting out of the elevators, walk straight through a catwalk to building 26 and find room 310.
From Kendall MBTA station to Building 26:
- Proceed on Main St toward Central Sq (away from the river).
- Turn left on Ames St.
- Proceed past long Biology building 68 on your right.
- Turn into building 66, which has a pointy end.
- Proceed straight through 66 (jog right), 56 and 16 to end
(this is a crooked extension of the infinite coridor)
- For rooms 26-204 and 26-210, either take the elevator to the second floor, or turn left and go up two half flights. Proceed across an enclosed bridge into building 26.
Our rooms are the first two on the left.
- For room 26-310, take the elevator to the third floor.
After getting out of the elevators, walk straight through a catwalk to building 26 and find room 310 on the left.
From Vassar Street to Building 26:
- Enter on foot through the underpass between buildings 32 (Stata Center, Gehry design, corner of Main) and 36 (toward Mass Av on Vassar).
- Building 26 is on your right, past building 36.
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