1999 Player Performance (minsample = 10).  Generated 00-01-20.

Matchpoint Percentage
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  2 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  3 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  4 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  5 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  6 Brian Oxley             13    3.69  12 55.90  5.22  4.68     10   0.77     7
  7 Jan Gottesfeld          20    4.45  16 55.85  6.03  8.18     20   1.00     8
  8 David Pickering         16    5.56  14 55.19  8.02  5.25     11   0.69     7
  9 Dan Berlowitz           13    5.46  12 54.70  7.02  5.99     11   0.85     8
 10 Mark Edeburn            26    5.23  22 54.66  6.73  7.28     17   0.65    11
 11 Mike Mitzenmacher       12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
 12 John Byers              12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1

Player of the year race (unofficial)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  3 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  4 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  5 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  6 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  7 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  8 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
  9 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
 10 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
 11 Suresh Adina            49    6.00  41 50.41  6.37 12.20     22   0.45     4
 12 Otis Bricker            36    5.47  30 53.37  6.88 11.47     24   0.67     3

Total Points
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  3 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  4 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  5 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  6 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  7 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  8 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  9 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
 10 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
 11 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
 12 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9

Average Points
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  2 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  3 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  4 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  5 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9
  6 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  7 Ron Holzman             10    5.20   8 52.92  5.88  4.55     10   1.00     3
  8 Neomi Harpak            10    4.20   8 53.14  4.32  4.86     10   1.00     6
  9 Mike Mitzenmacher       12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
 10 Jan Gottesfeld          20    4.45  16 55.85  6.03  8.18     20   1.00     8
 11 John Byers              12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
 12 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13

Average Rank
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  3 Brian Oxley             13    3.69  12 55.90  5.22  4.68     10   0.77     7
  4 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  5 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  6 John Byers              12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
  7 Mike Mitzenmacher       12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
  8 Neomi Harpak            10    4.20   8 53.14  4.32  4.86     10   1.00     6
  9 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9
 10 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
 11 Jan Gottesfeld          20    4.45  16 55.85  6.03  8.18     20   1.00     8
 12 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13

Consistent Performers (Low Standard Deviation)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Eric Schwartz           14    6.00  13 50.93  4.21  2.96      4   0.29     6
  2 Brad Bozick             19    7.84  17 45.10  4.44  1.55      4   0.21    11
  3 Kevin Wasserman         12    7.00  10 50.16  4.73  0.95      1   0.08     1
  4 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  5 Richard Willey          22    7.27  18 48.83  5.05  2.05      3   0.14     8
  6 John Levy               23    8.70  20 42.66  5.21  2.32      5   0.22    15
  7 Brian Oxley             13    3.69  12 55.90  5.22  4.68     10   0.77     7
  8 Wayne Scott             25    4.96  21 52.01  5.24  7.27     15   0.60     1
  9 John Byers              12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
 10 Mike Mitzenmacher       12    3.92  12 54.63  5.34  6.76     12   1.00     1
 11 Chuck Krueger           13    7.92  10 42.63  5.35  1.48      3   0.23     4
 12 James Jones             30    5.13  26 51.01  5.39  8.01     15   0.50     5

High Rollers (High Standard Deviation)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Gary Schwartz           20    6.25  18 51.08 10.84  6.59     16   0.80    14
  2 Leverett Preble         20    7.35  16 45.43  8.78  2.60      7   0.35     2
  3 David Pickering         16    5.56  14 55.19  8.02  5.25     11   0.69     7
  4 Len Giambrone           24    6.79  21 51.65  7.99  6.09     14   0.58     6
  5 Thomas Bushnell         12    6.50  12 49.45  7.87  2.95      8   0.67     8
  6 Shari Metcalf           30    5.33  26 53.55  7.74  8.49     21   0.70     7
  7 Christopher Falling     13    8.69  11 40.78  7.60  0.94      1   0.08     2
  8 Tim Francis-Wright      31    5.19  27 54.54  7.53 10.03     24   0.77     5
  9 Jennifer Leah Heymon    23    6.00  21 50.16  7.29  4.49      9   0.39     6
 10 Sue Ostrowski           25    5.20  19 52.87  7.27  8.41     20   0.80     8
 11 Yunyun Cai              18    6.61  16 49.52  7.25  5.08     14   0.78     5
 12 Zack Brown              29    6.86  26 48.41  7.22  4.37     12   0.41     1

Number of partners
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Darin Takemoto          28    6.29  24 51.04  6.89  5.73     14   0.50    17
  2 Brian Lee               24    5.46  21 50.93  6.88  7.91     15   0.62    16
  3 John Levy               23    8.70  20 42.66  5.21  2.32      5   0.22    15
  4 Fred Zhang              36    5.86  30 51.75  7.06 10.12     23   0.64    14
  5 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  6 Gary Schwartz           20    6.25  18 51.08 10.84  6.59     16   0.80    14
  7 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
  8 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  9 Mark Edeburn            26    5.23  22 54.66  6.73  7.28     17   0.65    11
 10 Brad Bozick             19    7.84  17 45.10  4.44  1.55      4   0.21    11
 11 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
 12 Ron Peacetree           26    8.42  22 42.57  6.70  1.44      2   0.08    10

    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  2 Suresh Adina            49    6.00  41 50.41  6.37 12.20     22   0.45     4
  3 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  4 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
  5 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
  6 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  7 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  8 Mark Throop             38    6.61  31 49.72  6.32  7.09     14   0.37     3
  9 Matthew Dyer            38    6.89  33 47.46  6.36  6.62     15   0.39     4
 10 Fred Zhang              36    5.86  30 51.75  7.06 10.12     23   0.64    14
 11 Jason Gratt             37    7.03  32 47.12  6.22  6.04     14   0.38     3
 12 Dwight Brown            36    6.31  29 50.35  5.83  7.20     13   0.36     2