1999 Player Performance (minsample = 20).  Generated 00-01-20.

Matchpoint Percentage
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  2 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  3 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  4 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  5 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  6 Mark Edeburn            26    5.23  22 54.66  6.73  7.28     17   0.65    11
  7 Tim Francis-Wright      31    5.19  27 54.54  7.53 10.03     24   0.77     5
  8 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
  9 David Harris            32    5.31  26 53.59  6.05  9.41     18   0.56     3
 10 Shari Metcalf           30    5.33  26 53.55  7.74  8.49     21   0.70     7
 11 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
 12 Otis Bricker            36    5.47  30 53.37  6.88 11.47     24   0.67     3

Player of the year race (unofficial)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  3 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  4 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  5 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  6 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  7 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  8 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
  9 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
 10 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
 11 Suresh Adina            49    6.00  41 50.41  6.37 12.20     22   0.45     4
 12 Otis Bricker            36    5.47  30 53.37  6.88 11.47     24   0.67     3

Total Points
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  3 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  4 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  5 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  6 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  7 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  8 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  9 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
 10 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
 11 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
 12 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9

Average Points
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  2 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  3 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  4 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  5 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9
  6 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  7 Jan Gottesfeld          20    4.45  16 55.85  6.03  8.18     20   1.00     8
  8 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
  9 Gary Schwartz           20    6.25  18 51.08 10.84  6.59     16   0.80    14
 10 Sue Ostrowski           25    5.20  19 52.87  7.27  8.41     20   0.80     8
 11 Tim Francis-Wright      31    5.19  27 54.54  7.53 10.03     24   0.77     5
 12 Shari Metcalf           30    5.33  26 53.55  7.74  8.49     21   0.70     7

Average Rank
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  3 Paul Markowitz          35    3.71  27 57.03  6.26 18.32     46   1.31     9
  4 Paul Kinney             28    3.71  25 57.95  5.88 14.88     34   1.21     3
  5 Laj Batra               23    4.39  19 53.96  7.02 11.23     25   1.09     9
  6 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  7 Jan Gottesfeld          20    4.45  16 55.85  6.03  8.18     20   1.00     8
  8 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
  9 Wayne Scott             25    4.96  21 52.01  5.24  7.27     15   0.60     1
 10 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
 11 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
 12 James Jones             30    5.13  26 51.01  5.39  8.01     15   0.50     5

Consistent Performers (Low Standard Deviation)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  2 John Levy               23    8.70  20 42.66  5.21  2.32      5   0.22    15
  3 Wayne Scott             25    4.96  21 52.01  5.24  7.27     15   0.60     1
  4 James Jones             30    5.13  26 51.01  5.39  8.01     15   0.50     5
  5 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  6 Sheila Gabay            25    3.48  21 58.71  5.61 13.88     31   1.24     1
  7 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
  8 Darrell Gibson          27    4.41  20 57.19  5.81 12.89     29   1.07     7
  9 Coral Harris            29    8.03  22 45.25  5.82  1.96      5   0.17     1
 10 Alan Goff               29    8.03  22 45.25  5.82  1.96      5   0.17     1
 11 Dwight Brown            36    6.31  29 50.35  5.83  7.20     13   0.36     2
 12 Dick Packard            28    7.39  22 45.08  5.84  4.04      6   0.21     2

High Rollers (High Standard Deviation)
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Len Giambrone           24    6.79  21 51.65  7.99  6.09     14   0.58     6
  2 Shari Metcalf           30    5.33  26 53.55  7.74  8.49     21   0.70     7
  3 Tim Francis-Wright      31    5.19  27 54.54  7.53 10.03     24   0.77     5
  4 Jennifer Leah Heymon    23    6.00  21 50.16  7.29  4.49      9   0.39     6
  5 Barry Jaspan            29    6.86  26 48.41  7.22  4.37     12   0.41     1
  6 Zack Brown              29    6.86  26 48.41  7.22  4.37     12   0.41     1
  7 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
  8 Fred Zhang              36    5.86  30 51.75  7.06 10.12     23   0.64    14
  9 Darin Takemoto          28    6.29  24 51.04  6.89  5.73     14   0.50    17
 10 Brian Lee               24    5.46  21 50.93  6.88  7.91     15   0.62    16
 11 Otis Bricker            36    5.47  30 53.37  6.88 11.47     24   0.67     3
 12 Mark Edeburn            26    5.23  22 54.66  6.73  7.28     17   0.65    11

Number of partners
    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Darin Takemoto          28    6.29  24 51.04  6.89  5.73     14   0.50    17
  2 Brian Lee               24    5.46  21 50.93  6.88  7.91     15   0.62    16
  3 John Levy               23    8.70  20 42.66  5.21  2.32      5   0.22    15
  4 Fred Zhang              36    5.86  30 51.75  7.06 10.12     23   0.64    14
  5 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  6 Gary Schwartz           20    6.25  18 51.08 10.84  6.59     16   0.80    14
  7 Walter Lee              28    4.64  23 54.33  5.89 10.95     26   0.93    13
  8 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  9 Mark Edeburn            26    5.23  22 54.66  6.73  7.28     17   0.65    11
 10 Brad Bozick             19    7.84  17 45.10  4.44  1.55      4   0.21    11
 11 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
 12 Ron Peacetree           26    8.42  22 42.57  6.70  1.44      2   0.08    10

    Name                 NGame AvgRank NMP AvgMP  SDMP  Poty TotPts AvgPts Npard
  1 Nathan Glasser          50    5.10  42 53.15  5.58 15.15     31   0.62     6
  2 Suresh Adina            49    6.00  41 50.41  6.37 12.20     22   0.45     4
  3 Alex Perlin             48    5.08  40 53.55  6.63 15.42     33   0.69    14
  4 Barry Margolin          48    5.88  40 51.06  7.08 13.34     26   0.54     3
  5 Paul Wendt              46    5.24  38 52.54  5.64 13.28     27   0.59     2
  6 Leo Zelevinsky          46    5.67  38 53.28  6.44 13.85     29   0.63    11
  7 David Metcalf           39    3.46  31 56.67  4.98 23.20     50   1.28    10
  8 Mark Throop             38    6.61  31 49.72  6.32  7.09     14   0.37     3
  9 Matthew Dyer            38    6.89  33 47.46  6.36  6.62     15   0.39     4
 10 Fred Zhang              36    5.86  30 51.75  7.06 10.12     23   0.64    14
 11 Jason Gratt             37    7.03  32 47.12  6.22  6.04     14   0.38     3
 12 Dwight Brown            36    6.31  29 50.35  5.83  7.20     13   0.36     2