% PBN 2.1 % EXPORT %Content-type: text/x-pbn; charset=ISO-8859-1 %Creator: BridgeComposer Version 5.45.1 %Created: 09/02/16 18:49:22 Eastern Daylight Time %BCOptions Center STBorder STShade %BidAndCardSpacing Thin %BoardsPerPage 1 %CardTableColors #e1e1e1,#ffffff,#aaaaaa %EventSpacing 0 %Font:CardTable "Arial",11,400,0 %Font:Commentary "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Diagram "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Event "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:FixedPitch "Courier New",10,400,0 %Font:HandRecord "Arial",11,400,0 %GutterSize 500,500 %HRTitleDate 0 %HRTitleEvent "" %HRTitleSetID "" %HRTitleSetIDPrefix "" %HRTitleSite "" %HtmlClubs entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/c.gif" %HtmlDiamonds entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/d.gif" %HtmlHearts entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/h.gif" %HtmlNavBar 0.75,#cfe2f3 %HtmlSpades entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/s.gif" %Margins 500,500,500,500 %PaperSize 1,0,0 %ParaIndent 0 %PipColors #000000,#ff0000,#ff0000,#000000 %PipFont "Symbol","Symbol",2,0xAA,0xA9,0xA8,0xA7 %ScoreTableColors #e6e6e6,#000000 %ShowBoardLabels 2 %ShowCardTable 2 [Event "Pedestrian Defense -- Problem"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "4"] [West "Jim"] [North "Gary"] [East "Adam"] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:AQ3.8643.7654.76 KT854.7.AQ98.Q54 J96.AJT9.K2.AT83 72.KQ52.JT3.KJ92"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "2HX"] [Result ""] { Take my South seat on this deal from an open pairs event at the 2016 Warwick Regional. Declarer is multiple national champion and New England bridge star Adam Grossack, on his way to winning the event by several boards. You pass partner's reopening double for penalties and lead his suit. Declarer plays low from dummy, and partner wins the \SK. He returns the \S10, showing an entry in diamonds (the higher side suit). Declarer wins the \SQ, calls for a club from dummy, low from partner, \C8, and you win the \C9. What now?} [BCFlags "1f"] [Hidden "NE"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1S 2H Pass Pass X AP [Play "S"] S7 S3 SK S6 S2 SQ ST S9 C9 C6 C5 C8 [Event "Pedestrian Defense -- Solution"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "4"] [West "Jim"] [North "Gary"] [East "Adam"] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:AQ3.8643.7654.76 KT854.7.AQ98.Q54 J96.AJT9.K2.AT83 72.KQ52.JT3.KJ92"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "2HX"] [Result ""] { As usual, it is correct to lead a trump against a doubled partscore. It's close, but the contract cannot be made on the lead of the \HK, even though the lead gives up a "sure" trump trick. If North shifts to a trump at trick two, the contract is easily defeated. But there's one last chance! The lead of the \HK now will still set the contract. Your spade ruff will be your entry to clear trumps, limiting declarer to one ruff on dummy. Declarer will get three trumps in hand, one ruff on dummy, and one trick in each side suit. If he ducks, you can set the contract by continuing trumps or not. What I actually did was to lead a diamond, obtain my ruff, and exit with\DJ. I waited for my two additional trump tricks, to set the contract one. Adam played the \CA and ruffed a club, ruffed a diamond, and ruffed his last club with the \H8, just high enough to prevent North from overruffing. With the lead in dummy, the final three cards in the East and South hands were \H A J 10 and \H K Q 5. After any lead from dummy and the \H10 from East, my second trump trick evaporated. North can also try to get in the way by playing the \CQ on the first club trick. Declarer must win, or North will surely defeat the contract. However, the lead of the \C10 at this point puts South in, and the hand plays out the same way. Either way, South gets the chance to make the last mistake. Part of the problem was Adam's 2-level overcall on only four cards. Neither of us figured that out until after the session. We as a partnership have agreed to avoid reopening with a double, with a void in the bid suit. If, in spite of that, declarer had a fifth heart, leading the \HK would have blown up the contract. - Pete Matthews} [BCFlags "1f"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1S 2H Pass Pass X AP [Play "S"] S7 S3 SK S6 S2 SQ ST S9 C9 C6 C5 C8