% PBN 2.1 % EXPORT %Content-type: text/x-pbn; charset=ISO-8859-1 %Creator: BridgeComposer Version 5.67 %Created: Sat Dec 16 00:52:08 2017 -0500 %BCOptions Center STBorder STShade %BidAndCardSpacing Thin %BoardsPerPage fit,2 %CardTableColors #e1e1e1,#ffffff,#aaaaaa %EventSpacing 0 %Font:CardTable "Arial",11,400,0 %Font:Commentary "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Diagram "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Event "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:FixedPitch "Courier New",10,400,0 %Font:HandRecord "Arial",11,400,0 %GutterSize 500,500 %HRTitleDate 0 %HRTitleEvent "" %HRTitleSetID "" %HRTitleSetIDPrefix "" %HRTitleSite "" %HtmlClubs native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/c.gif" %HtmlDiamonds native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/d.gif" %HtmlHearts native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/h.gif" %HtmlNavBar 0.75,#cfe2f3 %HtmlSpades native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/s.gif" %Margins 500,500,500,500 %PaperSize 1,2159,2794,2 %ParaIndent 0 %PipColors #000000,#000000,#000000,#000000 %PipFont "Cards","Cards",0,0x73,0x68,0x64,0x63 %ScoreTableColors #e6e6e6,#000000 %SelectedBoard 14 %ShowBoardLabels 2 %ShowCardTable 2 %TSTCustomSortOrder Default %TSTReport List %TSTReportOrder ByNumber %TSTReportShade Yes [Event "Imprecision in Action 12/9/2017"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "1"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "N"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "N:T52.QJT6.KT54.T4 J84.K5.QJ72.KJ76 AQ976.984.93.AQ9 K3.A732.A86.8532"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "1NT"] [Result "5"] {Andrew Hanes and I have been playing a version of Standard Modern Precision (SMP) for three years. We worked from two mini-books by Dan Neill. His second edition is now available as a professional paperback or e-book -- see dbridgewithdan.com. This is my first public writing about our system. As we were learning and customizing our system, one wag called it Imprecision, and the name stuck. Our two differences from SMP: the responses to the 1\D opening are entirely new and different; and when not vulnerable, 1NT shows 11-13 HCP balanced, usually without a 5-card major. What follows are our Imprecision deals from the recent Watertown Sectional tournament. On Board 1, for South to intervene in spades over 1NT would be quite a risk. Declaring 1NT, East can easily win one spade, two hearts and two diamonds: -100 (58%), -50 (72%) or +90 (94%). However, East actually made an anti-system pass on his admittedly cruddy hand. North-South easily bid 2\S, making with an overtrick on a club lead (-140 for us). Three Souths went down in 2\S, perhaps by leading hearts, yielding a ruff, and using the diamond entry to finesse the \SQ. Our score: 25%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "78765787655557855578"] [OptimumScore "EW -100"] [Score "EW -100"] [Auction "N"] Pass 1NT =1= AP [Note "1:11-13"] [Play "S"] S7 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 7 N S 8 N H 7 N D 6 N C 5 S NT 7 S S 8 S H 7 S D 6 S C 5 E NT 5 E S 5 E H 5 E D 7 E C 8 W NT 5 W S 5 W H 5 W D 7 W C 8 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "8"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "W:A54.3.KQ86.KQ742 K32.9765.J32.AJ6 JT976.QJT2.5.985 Q8.AK84.AT974.T3"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3HX"] [Result "7"] {The pair who christened our system once got to defend 1\D with 7-3 trumps against our 2-1 fit. Never again. Now, if responder hates diamonds, he runs out to another suit, and that bid is non-forcing. The 1NT [artificial], 3\H and 3\S reponses are invitational; 2\D [artificial], 2\H, 2\S and 2NT are forcing to game; and pass usually delivers four diamonds. This puts our 1\D system on a similar footing to the 1\C system, where strength is shown before or while a fit is explored. On this deal, East ran out to 1\S. South could not tell if we were stealing or not, and tried a takeout double. West had a fine hand for spades, and said so. With 8 HCP after South's double, North's clear choice was 3\H. East smacked him down for it. As is often the case, a trump lead works well against a doubled partscore. North wound up two in the glue. Our score: 99%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "75886768866755667556"] [OptimumScore "EW -100"] [Score "NS -300"] [Auction "W"] 1D =1= Pass 1S =2= X 2S =3= 3H X AP [Note "1:10-15 HCP, 2+ diamonds"] [Note "2:Non-forcing!"] [Note "3:13-16 support points"] [Play "E"] HQ [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 7 N S 5 N H 8 N D 8 N C 6 S NT 7 S S 6 S H 8 S D 8 S C 6 E NT 6 E S 7 E H 5 E D 5 E C 6 W NT 6 W S 7 W H 5 W D 5 W C 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "10"] [West "Pete"] [North "Shark"] [East "Andrew"] [South "Selen"] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "E:A863.AK3.J4.J985 T5.JT974.AT6.AQ6 J92.8652.KQ53.T7 KQ74.Q.9872.K432"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "2DX"] [Result "6"] {This was our only system problem, in uncharted waters. Andrew thought a double would be for takeout, with both minors, and therefore, 2\C showed only clubs! (That theory was too much for me at the table.) Shark was not sure he would have doubled 2\C, so I might have escaped with a good score by passing. Andrew passed 2\D doubled, because he thought I had five, not that there was any place better to go. East has a minimum balanced opening, and should seldom re-enter the auction on his own. West will assume the strength East has, and act accordingly. West has shown nothing, South could easily have 15 HCP, North's hand is unlimited, and they have not found a fit - a very dangerous time to bid. With \SAQ3 \H43 \DJ84 \CAQJ85, East might venture a 2\C bid, hoping West would read it correctly. He might still get nailed in clubs; but the \DJ84 provides some protection, if partner thinks he is supposed to convert. We were not playing well, but we hung in there. Our score: 8%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "76787767875655556555"] [OptimumScore "NS 90"] [Score "EW -500"] [Auction "E"] 1D =1= 1H Pass 1S 2C =2= Pass 2D =3= X AP [Note "1:2+ diamonds, 11-15 HCP (12-13 vulnerable, if balanced)."] [Note "2:Promises 4+ \C and 4+ \D in all discussed situations."] [Note "3:Pleased to pick a minor."] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 7 N S 6 N H 7 N D 8 N C 7 S NT 7 S S 6 S H 7 S D 8 S C 7 E NT 5 E S 6 E H 5 E D 5 E C 5 W NT 5 W S 6 W H 5 W D 5 W C 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "15"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:QJT7.7.K93.QJT74 82.KQJT92.74.A32 543.653.AJ82.K95 AK96.A84.QT65.86"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "4H"] [Result "10"] {On unbalanced hands, we play a Bergen rule of 19, that is, one point lighter than the standard rule of 20. The West hand is a clear cut opening bid for us: 10 fine HCP plus 9 cards in the two longest suits is 19. East has 14 support points and no slam interest, so bids the game. (The maximum HCP for West is 15.) Declarer wins the opening lead and ducks a club. Winning the spade continuation, he takes the \CA, ruffs a club with the \HA, pulls trump, and claims ten tricks. Playing standard methods, such as 2/1 game force, West would have to choose between opening a light 1\H or a heavy 2\H. If he chooses the latter, he may play there. East should not play West for the perfect hand he has: four trump honors, a side ace, and a third club to ruff. On the other hand, if he opens 1\H, he would land in game opposite \SAQ96 \HA84 \D86 \CQT65. (That hand is only an invitation for us.) Our score: 75%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "463674636797a7697a76"] [OptimumScore "EW 420"] [Score "EW +420"] [Auction "S"] Pass 1H Pass 4H AP [Play "N"] S3 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N NT 4 N S 6 N H 3 N D 6 N C 7 S NT 4 S S 6 S H 3 S D 6 S C 7 E NT 9 E S 7 E H 10 E D 7 E C 6 W NT 9 W S 7 W H 10 W D 7 W C 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "16"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "W:KJT876.2.AT98.J9 4.KT.J5432.KT873 A95.AQJ9853.76.A Q32.764.KQ.Q6542"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "6S"] [Result "13"] {No, North was not a close relative. After the lead, finessing in trumps guaranteed the contract. (Supposing it lost, I would enter dummy with the \CA, ruff the hearts good, and ruff a club to dummy.) There is a lot more to the play on a diamond lead, of course. Our score: 96%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "0004800048ddd95ddd95"] [OptimumScore "EW 2220"] [Score "EW +1460"] [Auction "W"] 1S =1= Pass 2H =2= Pass 2S Pass 3S Pass 4D =3= Pass 4NT Pass 5H =4= Pass 6S AP [Note "1:The plus of having spades offsets the \CJ flaw in this Bergen 19 count."] [Note "2:Natural and forcing to game."] [Note "3:Courtesy cue bid (bypassed serious 3NT)."] [Note "4:Two key cards without the \SQ."] [Play "N"] HK [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N NT 0 N S 0 N H 0 N D 4 N C 8 S NT 0 S S 0 S H 0 S D 4 S C 8 E NT 13 E S 13 E H 13 E D 9 E C 5 W NT 13 W S 13 W H 13 W D 9 W C 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "19"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:983.K74.T987.Q92 K74.AQ862.KQ532. QJ.JT9.A6.AKJT54 AT652.53.J4.8763"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3S"] [Result "10"] {Do you like to bid? I sure do. I like partner's pass of 3\S very much - I would not like to count on the \SQJ to be doubleton. A standard 1\H opening could be much stronger, so it would be inconceivable to pass 3\S with the East hand. Therefore, the standard opener should not bid 3\S at all. Three other pairs made four in a major suit part score, for a shared top. Our score: 89%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "62227622276baa56baa5"] [OptimumScore "EW 650"] [Score "EW +170"] [Auction "S"] Pass 1H 2C Pass 3C 3D =1= Pass 3H Pass 3S AP [Note "1:Promises at least 5-5, but limited to 15 HCP."] [Play "N"] CA [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N NT 6 N S 2 N H 2 N D 2 N C 7 S NT 6 S S 2 S H 2 S D 2 S C 7 E NT 6 E S 11 E H 10 E D 10 E C 5 W NT 6 W S 11 W H 10 W D 10 W C 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "23"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:AKT6.7.JT872.953 2.QJT653.93.AKT6 Q983.K942.A6.Q42 J754.A8.KQ54.J87"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "2H"] [Result "10"] {Opener's 1NT rebid would be Tucker, promising exactly three spades. It's forcing for us, unless responder is precisely 4=1=4=4 with weak spades. Responder passed 2\H smoothly, something that would not happen on a standard auction. The play started with three rounds of diamonds. I discarded a spade, hoping North would have to ruff with a natural winner. This prevented South from ever leading a club. North led a club when in with one of his trump winners; making 4. Our score: 88%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "68485684857595875958"] [OptimumScore "EW 140"] [Score "EW +170"] [Auction "S"] Pass 1H =1= Pass 1S =2= Pass 2H =3= AP [Note "1:Everyone should open 1\H: 20 Bergen points."] [Note "2:Lacking a game force, we bid all 4-card spade suits."] [Note "3:6+ hearts, 0-2 spades, 10-13 HCP; prepared to bid 3\C (weak) over 2NT."] [Play "N"] DA [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 6 N S 8 N H 4 N D 8 N C 5 S NT 6 S S 8 S H 4 S D 8 S C 5 E NT 7 E S 5 E H 9 E D 5 E C 8 W NT 7 W S 5 W H 9 W D 5 W C 8 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "24"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "W:J732.KT.QT.AJ843 A964.543.K965.K7 Q8.AJ862.A8432.9 KT5.Q97.J7.QT652"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "2NT"] [Result "8"] {The opening lead went to the \SJ. I set up the hearts and eventually brought in an eighth trick. This boundary hand is not an advertisement for 11-13 notrumps. Our score: 58%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "55445655467789777897"] [OptimumScore "EW 110"] [Score "EW +120"] [Auction "W"] 1NT Pass 2D =1= Pass 2H Pass 2NT AP [Note "1:Transfer to \H."] [Play "N"] S4 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 5 N S 5 N H 4 N D 4 N C 5 S NT 6 S S 5 S H 5 S D 4 S C 6 E NT 7 E S 7 E H 8 E D 9 E C 7 W NT 7 W S 7 W H 8 W D 9 W C 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "26"] [West "Pete"] [North ""] [East "Andrew"] [South ""] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "E:KJ975.Q.Q7.AKQ62 AQ62.32.AT9.J754 T43.JT8654.K853. 8.AK97.J642.T983"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "2S"] [Result "8"] {Perhaps 2\H would have been a better call by West, with this maximum hand, instead of 2\S. However, if we have a heart fit, then the \DK is likely wasted. 2\S was sensible and hit the last makeable contract. A standard auction might well start 1\S - 2\S. No self-respecting East would pass that. In fact, with only 5 losers, East might jump to game. West's hand seems too good for a "slow down" raise (bid 1NT forcing, and take a preference to 2\S). Our score: 86%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "74676758876855668556"] [OptimumScore "EW 110"] [Score "EW +110"] [Auction "E"] 1C =1= Pass 1D =2= Pass 1S =3= Pass 1NT =4= Pass 2C =5= Pass 2S AP [Note "1:16+ HCP (17+ if balanced), artificial & forcing."] [Note "2:0-7 HCP, artificial."] [Note "3:4+ spades, unbalanced hand, forcing."] [Note "4:0-5 HCP, fewer than 4 spades."] [Note "5:At least 9 cards in \S & \C, either way, non-forcing."] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 7 N S 4 N H 6 N D 7 N C 6 S NT 7 S S 5 S H 8 S D 8 S C 7 E NT 6 E S 8 E H 5 E D 5 E C 6 W NT 6 W S 8 W H 5 W D 5 W C 6 [Event "Imprecision in Action 12/9/2017 - Second Session"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "1"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "N"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "N:JT.Q5.Q762.AQ842 9874.A84.9843.K7 Q52.JT732.KJT.53 AK63.K96.A5.JT96"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "1NT"] [Result "7"] {North elected to pass, instead of making the system 1NT opening (11-13 not vulnerable). This time it worked out well, as the opponents could not find their spade fit. 2\H down 2 would also be a worse matchpoint result for us. Still, on low partscore hands, the side to play in 1NT often does best, especially when not vulnerable. Our score: 90%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "63665636657977779777"] [OptimumScore "EW 140"] [Score "EW +90"] [Auction "N"] Pass Pass Pass 1NT AP [Play "N"] D2 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 6 N S 3 N H 6 N D 6 N C 5 S NT 6 S S 3 S H 6 S D 6 S C 5 E NT 7 E S 9 E H 7 E D 7 E C 7 W NT 7 W S 9 W H 7 W D 7 W C 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "2"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "E:Q52.A64.K9752.Q6 AJ94.KQJ.T3.J983 863.987.AJ84.KT4 KT7.T532.Q6.A752"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1H"] [Result "8"] {Note that, playing Precision, East would have opened the bidding, likely shutting us out. After his Imprecision 1\D opening, South would need 13+ support points to raise hearts. (He would bid 1\S with a doubleton heart and four spades. 2\C would promise 4+ cards in each minor. 1NT catches many of the other hands.) Our score: 92%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "58858588586557565575"] [OptimumScore "NS 110"] [Score "NS +110"] [Auction "E"] Pass 1D =1= Pass 1H =2= AP [Note "1:11-13 HCP if balanced (vulnerable); otherwise 10-15."] [Note "2: Non-forcing."] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 5 N S 8 N H 8 N D 5 N C 8 S NT 5 S S 8 S H 8 S D 5 S C 8 E NT 6 E S 5 E H 5 E D 7 E C 5 W NT 6 W S 5 W H 5 W D 7 W C 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "4"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:762.T6.AJT9.Q543 AKQT5.QJ5.765.KJ 98.A843.84.AT982 J43.K972.KQ32.76"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1NT"] [Result "10"] {This is a problem hand. A 1NT opening bid describes the values of the hand, but may miss a spade fit. (We do play a 3\C response as Puppet Stayman, so we could find a spade fit, when responder can force to game.) A 1\S opening is inappropriate, because it is limited to 15 HCP. A 1\C opening is inappropriate, because a 1\S rebid promises an unbalanced hand, and a 1NT rebid promises 17-19 HCP. So a 1NT opening is correct on a 5-3-3-2 hand, vulnerable, with exactly 16 HCP. More good luck! West's play of the \CQ denied the \CJ on the opening lead. East did not discover that clubs would cash out. Making 4. Standard bidders might open 1\S, but my strong preference would be 1NT. After 1\S and a 1NT response: 2\S is an underbid; 2NT and 3\S are overbids. Bidding another suit, hoping to follow with 2NT is unpalatable; besides, I don't like bidding this way on only 16 HCP. I prefer to do that with 17, open 1NT with 16, and treat 15 as a minimum 1\S. I tend more toward 1NT when holding three cards in the other major, so partner's transfer cannot land us in the wrong major. All that being said, this time, the 1\S openers get to the safer strain. Our score: 64%. } [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "79885798854345843458"] [OptimumScore "NS 140"] [Score "NS +180"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1NT =1= AP [Note "1:14-16 HCP (vulnerable)."] [Play "E"] CT [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 7 N S 9 N H 8 N D 8 N C 5 S NT 7 S S 9 S H 8 S D 8 S C 5 E NT 4 E S 3 E H 4 E D 5 E C 8 W NT 4 W S 3 W H 4 W D 5 W C 8 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "14"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "E:92.K762.KT652.K7 J764.AQ43.QJ7.Q5 KT53.JT5.A8.AT63 AQ8.98.943.J9842"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result "6"] {The opponents wandered into this auction, all the way up to 3NT. We forgot to double, but we still got 23.5 of 25 matchpoints. On the other hand, on the likely friendly spade lead, I might have brought home 1NT (for 56%): win the \SJ, table the \CQ, and eventually win 3 spades, two hearts, a diamond and a club. Our score: 94%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "67557675577687676876"] [OptimumScore "NS -100"] [Score "EW -150"] [Auction "E"] Pass 1NT =1= [Note "1:11-13 HCP, balanced (not vulnerable)."] [Play "N"] C4 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 6 N S 7 N H 5 N D 5 N C 7 S NT 6 S S 7 S H 5 S D 5 S C 7 E NT 7 E S 6 E H 8 E D 7 E C 6 W NT 7 W S 6 W H 8 W D 7 W C 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "23"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:QT8743.QJ52.J2.T AK.KT976.T3.J975 J62.A843.86.AKQ6 95..AKQ9754.8432"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "4D"] [Result "9"] {We stole their suit, and by the time they could sort it out, they were too high. Our score: 80%.} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "47734477348459994599"] [OptimumScore "EW 600"] [Score "EW -100"] [Auction "S"] Pass =1= Pass 1D =2= [Note "1:Our weak 2-bids promise a good suit."] [Note "2:2+ diamonds, 11-15 HCP (12-14 in third seat, if balanced)."] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 4 N S 7 N H 7 N D 3 N C 4 S NT 4 S S 7 S H 7 S D 3 S C 4 E NT 8 E S 4 E H 5 E D 9 E C 9 W NT 9 W S 4 W H 5 W D 9 W C 9 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "27"] [West ""] [North "Andrew"] [East ""] [South "Pete"] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:8765.A83.AK76.43 T42.T976.985.AJ6 K9.Q54.QJ4.KT952 AQJ3.KJ2.T32.Q87"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "1NT"] [Result "8"] {Having shut out the opponents while telling them nothing, I avoided the spade lead. On the diamond return, I cashed out that suit (five tricks taken), discarding a club, and led a second club toward dummy. They did not untangle their tricks; dummy got three more, making two - on a hand where they can make 1NT. Our score: 86%. Conclusions: First of all, we did not play particularly well in this event, making about five mistakes between us in the first session, and four in the second session. The typical cost of a mistake is about 2%, so we did not deserve to place overall. Our bidding system worked quite well for us, especially against weaker players; and we had some good luck. Our 57.75% in the first session and 64.94% in the second session combined for second place overall. Playing error-free bridge, we might have had scores around 68% and 73%. - Pete Matthews Jr} [BCFlags "1f"] [DoubleDummyTricks "67788665777665576655"] [OptimumScore "NS 90"] [Score "NS +120"] [Auction "S"] 1NT AP [Play "W"] HT H4 H2 HA C6 CT CQ C4 [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\1R"] N NT 6 N S 7 N H 7 N D 8 N C 8 S NT 6 S S 6 S H 5 S D 7 S C 7 E NT 7 E S 6 E H 6 E D 5 E C 5 W NT 7 W S 6 W H 6 W D 5 W C 5