% PBN 2.1 % EXPORT %Content-type: text/x-pbn; charset=ISO-8859-1 %Creator: BridgeComposer Version 5.67 %Created: Mon Apr 29 16:44:22 2019 -0400 %BCOptions Center STBorder STShade %BidAndCardSpacing Thin %BoardsPerPage 1 %CardTableColors #e1e1e1,#ffffff,#aaaaaa %EventSpacing 0 %Font:CardTable "Arial",11,400,0 %Font:Commentary "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Diagram "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Event "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:FixedPitch "Courier New",10,400,0 %Font:HandRecord "Arial",11,400,0 %GutterSize 500,500 %HRTitleDate 0 %HRTitleEvent "" %HRTitleSetID "" %HRTitleSetIDPrefix "" %HRTitleSite "" %HtmlClubs native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/c.gif" %HtmlDiamonds native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/d.gif" %HtmlHearts native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/h.gif" %HtmlNavBar 0.75,#cfe2f3 %HtmlSpades native,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/s.gif" %Margins 500,500,500,500 %PaperSize 1,2159,2794,2 %ParaIndent 0 %PipColors #000000,#000000,#000000,#000000 %PipFont "Cards","Cards",0,0x73,0x68,0x64,0x63 %ScoreTableColors #e6e6e6,#000000 %SelectedBoard 0 %ShowBoardLabels 2 %ShowCardTable 2 %TSTCustomSortOrder Default %TSTReport List %TSTReportOrder ByNumber %TSTReportShade Yes [Event "Ignorance -- Problem"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "7"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:9752.J97.QJ9843. KT6.A4.52.AKJ943 J3.KQT52.76.T862 AQ84.863.AKT.Q75"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer ""] [Contract ""] [Result ""] { Join me for this disaster. See if you can bid better, with choices at every turn. 1. Do you agree with my opening 1 \C bid? Or would you make the "value bid" of 1 NT? Either is reasonable, so I'm not taking complaints yet. 2. Encouraged by my spade fit, I chose the jump rebid at 3 \C. The 1 NT opening seems better than a mere 2 \C rebid at this point. Nevertheless, 2 \C has merit, because it usually provides a 6-card suit, a powerful asset that will encourage partner to try for 3 NT. 2 \C would only provide five cards on hands where 1NT is not acceptable, for example: \S 6 \H A J 4 2 \D Q 5 2 \C A Q J 9 3 [singleton prevents 1 NT] \S 6 \H A Q 2 \D J 8 5 2 \C A Q J 9 3 [diamonds too weak to open] \S 10 6 \H A Q 4 2 \D 5 2 \C A Q J 9 3 [when a 2 \H reverse, or 1NT opening or rebid, do not appeal] 3. Really, really wanted to bid 3 NT, but had to show spade support with 3 \S. 4. Wish I had opened 1 NT. What now? (2019-04-09 Westwood) https://3nt.xyz (c) Pete Matthews Jr} [BCFlags "1f"] [Hidden "NES"] [Auction "S"] Pass 1C Pass 1S Pass 3C Pass 3D Pass 3S Pass 4C Pass + [Event "Ignorance -- Solution"] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "7"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:9752.J97.QJ9843. KT6.A4.52.AKJ943 J3.KQT52.76.T862 AQ84.863.AKT.Q75"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer ""] [Contract ""] [Result ""] { I passed and made seven for a bottom. (Looking at only the East-West hands, the desired contract is 6 NT.) Partner and I each picked a pro to ask about this. Anything responder bids over 3 \C is unconditionally forcing to game. Steve Gladyszak said he plays 4 \C as Minorwood in this situation (asking for keycards in clubs). Partner and I were playing Kickback, instead. 4 \D should ask for keycards; once partner raises clubs, we are not playing this hand in diamonds. Partner is slamming, but lacks a heart control. Holding the crucial \H A, asking for keycards is correct. If this logic does not appeal, then cue bid 4 \H. Do not pass! And do not bid 5 \C, which will muzzle partner. What if partner held something like this? \S Q 9 8 4 \H 8 6 3 \D K J 3 \C Q 7 5 Opposite a jump rebid, the queen of partner's suit is the best card in the deck. This hand is surely worth a try for 3 NT, but how do you know if hearts are stopped? The answer to that is, you can't. The try for 3 NT is to bid 3 NT and try to make it. If hearts are wide open, maybe they won't be led, or maybe the suit will split 4-4. This situation is not something you can figure out at the table. Guides such as "game over slam" won't help. You just have to know that responder's 3 \D is forcing to game, and therefore, 4 \C is a slam try. Now I know. (Yes, 3 \D was forcing to game 60 years ago -- now I know again.) Ah, yes. Had I opened 1 NT (15-17), we would surely have nestled in 3 NT. Partner would not try for slam with a flat 15-count. So my auction was perfect, up to the point where I passed 4 \C, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. } [BCFlags "1f"] [Hidden ""] [Auction "S"] Pass 1C Pass 1S Pass 3C Pass 3D Pass 3S Pass 4C Pass +