MIT GCF Activities -- Corey Hill Nursing HomeIn the 2003-2004 academic year, we are starting a new volunteer/service project that will involve recurring visits to a Boston area nursing home, Corey Hill. The biblical call to reach out to the needy is clear; however, this may or may not be the right way for you personally to answer that call. All we ask is that you prayerfully consider this, and if you feel led to join us, we would joyfully welcome it. For us, we believe this will be an uplifting way to serve the Lord as well as build fellowship with one another. Right now we are planning to make the visits one Saturday per month. The first half of the visit will include group singing and scripture reading as entertainment for a larger group of the senior citizens, and the second half will include some personal visits to the less mobile residents. Here are the relevant details for this service project:
If you are interested in participating, either in the first visit or potentially in future visits, please contact Shandon Hart (shandon@mit.edu). Learn more about the other service projects GCF has participated in. To learn more about GCF, please e-mail:mit-gcf-info@mit.edu |