Lord I Lift Your Name on High (the skit) >Music team's first song: ** Lord I lift your name on high Lord I love to sing your praises I'm so glad you're in my life I'm so glad you came to save me You came from heaven to earth to show the way From the earth to the cross my debts to pay From the cross to the grave From the grave to the sky Lord I lift your name on high **** >Mike and Simon Walk in, singing the song. Mike: Man that song is really cool...."I lift your name up hi-igh." Simon: Yeah man! >Mike and Simon clap hands Mike: What is up with all that Lord stuff though? I mean, what is that song talking about anyway? Simon: It is talking about the one true Lord of all: God --who made the earth, the sky, and everything in them. Mike: Oh, you mean it's like, one of those _religious_ songs or something. That's cool. But...what is up with that "I'm so glad you're in my life, I'm so glad you came to save me" line? Why should God be in _my_ life? What has God ever done for me to save me? Simon: God came down to earth to set an example for all people. Mike : Why did he need to set an example? I have a better idea: everyone can watch _me_, and _I'll_ be the example! Simon: No offense, Mike, but I think you are more of a counter-example. Mike : Well, actually, you are probably right. Sometimes I'm just not the person I want to be. But hey, nobody's perfect... Simon: That's why God had to come himself, to save you and everyone who believes in him, so that he can bring us up to heaven with him one day. That is what the lines "He came from heaven to earth, to show the way" mean. Mike: Oh, but, that can't be so. How can God come down to earth. I mean, if he is God, he has to be in heaven making sure that the earth keeps running. If he comes down to earth as a human, he wouldn't be God anymore, and all the earth would break loose and the universe would fall apart! God as a human is a complete contradiction! Even if he wanted to come and visit us as a human to save us, he couldn't, b/c once he limits himself to being human and gives up his God powers, the world would end! THat would surely be counterproductive. Simon: Well, that is why he came down in the form of his Son, Jesus. God was both a human in the form of Jesus (the "Son") and simultaneously in heaven (as the "Father"). Mike: Aha: So, you are saying that he found a way out of the contradiction by sending part of himself to earth as a human while still being in heaven so he could keep an eye on things? Simon: Well, sort of. This is a deep mystery. Mike : So how did he save me? Simon: He came and died on the cross to take our place so that we wouldn't have to die. THat is why the song says "From the earth to the cross, my debts to pay" Mike: Well that is good news, I think, because I don't want to die. But...what does my Father's hairpeice have to do with anything? SImon: ??what do you mean? Mike: The song specifically says: From the earth to the cross, my dad's toupee. SImon: Oh, you misunderstood. The lyrics are "From the earth to the cross, my _debts_ to _pay_. Our sinful nature incurs a debt of death, which he paid for us. Mike: OH, that makes a lot more sense. Only, it is a shame that this Jesus had to die. Simon: Well, the good news is that he rose again: "From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky" Mike: WHew! That _is_ good news. I wouldn't want Jesus to have to stay dead on account of all the sins that _I_ commited. Simon: Right. The good news goes further in that by claiming Jesus as our own personal Lord and Savior, we _also_ will rise again and go to heaven. Mike: And since God is such an awesome God, we want to lift his name on high and we love to sing his praises! SImon: Yup. You got it. Mike: That is TERRIFFIC NEWS!!!! I want to sing MORE of his praises!!! let's go! ... >remaining portion of music team songs. ************** by: Mike Neely