The algorithm provides some tolerance for misspelled names as well as first and middle initials. Reversal of first and last name or maiden names taken as middle names is supported. People who have received multiple MITIDs (usually from non-integrated systems) may be "cleaned" up in the database which provides a mapping from old to new MITIDs. Searches on old MITIDs will be mapped to new MITIDs.
The first step of the search algorithm is to identify all of the potential matches by using selection criteria that will retrieve a generous subset of the records from the ID database. Then each field of these potential matches is compared with the corresponding field of the selection criteria. The field selection criteria is then used to determine if the record matches the selection criteria. Finally, the records are sorted and evaluated to determine if a match was found. The following sections details each step of the algorithm.
Selection Criteria | Notes |
Matching SSN | Original to V1.0. |
Matching soundex on 'lastName' | Original to V1.0. |
Matching soundex on 'maybe_lastName' | Original to V1.0. "maybe_lastName" includes phonetically similar names |
'lastName Matches 'firstName' | Added for V2.0 to catch reversed names |
'firstName' matches 'lastName' | Added for V2.0 to catch reversed names |
'middleName' Matches 'lastName' | Added for V2.0 to catch maiden names taken as first name |
Matching MIT_ID | Added for V2.0 when search by MITID is enabled |
New MIT_ID | Added for V2.0. If the search criteria specifies an OLD_MITID that ID will be mapped to the NEW_MITID if one has been specified in the database. |
Matching first_name | Removed as of 2.0 since this selection criteria does not include any records that are not already covered by the above cases AND that would result in either a MATCH_POSSIBLE or MATCH_EXACT for the record. |
Matching Date of Birth MMDD | Removed as of 2.0 since this selection criteria does not include any records that are not already covered by the above cases AND that would result in either a MATCH_POSSIBLE or MATCH_EXACT for the record. |
Matching Date of Birth DDMM (for date mix-ups) | Removed as of 2.0 since this selection criteria does not include any records that are not already covered by the above cases AND that would result in either a MATCH_POSSIBLE or MATCH_EXACT for the record. |
Field Match Value | Field Match Logic |
MISSING_DATA | If either the search criteria field or the corresponding target record field is empty, the field is flagged as missing data. |
MATCH_EXACT | The following cases result in an exact match for the field.
MATCH_POSSIBLE | The following cases result in a possible match for the field:
MATCH_NONE | When none of the above cases are met the field will be considered to be none matching. |
The following tests are applied to each record in the order specified:
Test Case | Evaluates To | Description |
MATCH_POSSIBLE | This is a special case for when an OLD_MITID is entered and a NEW_MITID has been specified for that record. When this happens the entire record is marked as MATCH_POSSIBLE regardless of the other fields. |
If SSN or MITID are MATCH_EXACT then if no fields are MATCH_NONE then this record will be a MATCH_EXACT otherwise it will be a MATCH_POSSIBLE. No additional data is required for MATCH_EXACT. |
If FIRST and LAST are MATCH_EXACT then if no fields are MATCH_NONE and either SSN or DOB are NOT MISSING_DATA then this record will be a MATCH_EXACT otherwise it will be a MATCH_POSSIBLE |
If FIRST and LAST are reversed then if no other fields are MATCH_NONE and either SSN or DOB are NOT MISSING_DATA then this record will be a MATCH_EXACT otherwise it will be a MATCH_POSSIBLE |
If FIRST or LAST is MATCH_EXACT and the other is MATCH_POSSIBLE then if no other fields are MATCH_NONE then this record will be a MATCH_POSSIBLE otherwise it will be a MATCH_NONE |
If FIRST or LAST is MATCH_EXACT and the other is MATCH_POSSIBLE or MATCH_NONE then if no other fields are MATCH_NONE and either SSN or DOB are NOT MISSING_DATA then this record will be a MATCH_POSSIBLE otherwise it will be a MATCH_NONE |
MATCH_NONE | MATCH_NONE | None of the above cases met. |
Result Set Value | Test Description | Result Set Returns |
MATCH_NONE | No MATCH_EXACT or MATCH_POSSIBLE records found. | No records will be returned to the client. |
MATCH_EXACT | One MATCH_EXACT Record found. | One record will be returned to the client. |
(Multiple exact records) |
Two or more MATCH_EXACT records found. | All MATCH_EXACT records returned to the client. |
(No exact records) |
One or more MATCH_POSSIBLE records found. | All MATCH_POSSIBLE records returned to the client. |