Last modified: July 17, 1997
The MIT people database centralizes the assignment of unique identification numbers to every individual affiliated with MIT so that each may be represented via a single identification number across all MIT administrative systems. The identification number, refereed to in this document as an MIT ID, should not be confused with an MIT identification card. For historical reasons, only recently distributed MIT identification cards display an MIT ID.
Each MIT affiliate may have one and only one MIT ID. Since the MIT ID may be assigned by any of several different parts of the MIT organization it is critical that any individual or system assigning new MIT IDs, first determine if the affiliate already has an MIT ID. If the affiliate has an MIT ID then this ID must be used.
After determining that there is no existing MIT ID a new MIT ID may be selected and assigned. While some departments have different guidelines for selecting identification numbers all MIT IDs should be reflected in the People Database.
MIT ID lookup and assignment may be integrated into departmental systems or done manually via a stand-alone People Database Application available to personnel in MIT departments whose systems have not yet been integrated with the People Database. This document describes how to use the stand-alone MIT People Database Application.
For additional assistance with the MIT People Database including authorization requests please send mail to
The MIT People Database Application consists of a simple PowerBuilder application that authenticates a user via his or her Kerberos login. The application then enables authorized users to query existing MIT affiliates via some combination of name, social security number and date of birth, and then if not found to assign new MIT IDs. NOTE: While any authenticated kerberos user may login to the application, only authorized users are able to successfully lookup and assign MIT IDs.
To start the people database application, find the "peopleap" icon on your computer's desktop and double click on the icon. The following main application window will appear:
The process of authentication proves that you are the owner of your login ID. This process is handled by a central server at MIT know at the Kerberos server. In order to use the People Database Application every user of the application must first login to the Kerberos server by clicking on the "LogOn" button and entering his or her valid Kerberos user name and password.
If successfully logged in, you will see the main window again however the buttons will have changed. The LogOn button now reads search and the previously insensitive (note the grayed text) "Clear" and "Assign ID" buttons are now sensitive.
The process of executing a search simply involves entering search criteria in the "Personal Information" area of the main window, initiating the search command and reviewing the results in the "Persons Found List" area. Current criteria and results may be cleared and a new search may be executed.
Note: If sufficient search criteria are not entered and error message will be displayed. Simply fill in additional criteria and re-execute the search command. First and Last name are sufficient. Sample search criteria results are displayed below:
Documentation for MIT ID Assignment is currently not available.