Download StarLogo

We're sorry, but the latest version of StarLogo (2.2) is no longer available for MacOS 8/9/Classic. We've started requiring Java 1.4.x support, and Mac OS 8/9/Classic only supports up to Java 1.1. Please continue to download our older versions, StarLogo 2.0.2, and MacStarLogo Classic 2.0.5 by following the directions below.

In order to run StarLogo, you need to have a copy of Mac Runtime for Java 2.2.5 or higher. If you have Mac OS 9 and have used the Software Update control panel lately, you probably already have MRJ 2.2.5. If you have an earlier Mac OS and are unsure of which version you have, please install this update before continuing to install StarLogo.

Note: MacStarLogo Classic 2.0 (written in 1997) does not require Java. If you want our older Mac-only version of StarLogo, you may skip this step.

The installer may require you to reboot, so bookmark this page in your browser so you can come back here afterwards.

Go to the next step in the installation process.