digital learning media in the MIT Department of Biology
Bringing high-quality digital learning materials from the MIT Department of Biology to the MIT community and beyond!
We are a group in the Department of Biology at MIT. Under the department leadership of Professor Tania Baker and in partnership with the now Office of Open Learning, the group formed in 2013 following the launch of our first MOOC, 7.00x Introduction to Biology. We collaborate with MIT faculty to develop online learning experiences for MIT students (hybrid or blended) and open online course (MITx MOOC) learners.
Our group also has a significant role in the department's biology courses for MIT students. Specifically, our instructors lead graduate student teacher training and serve as core teaching staff in the Introductory Biology courses (an MIT general institute requirement) and 7.05 General Biochemistry.
The core group has PhDs in biology with expertise in pedagogy and technology. We take a learning engineering approach to our design process to focus on our learners and make data-informed decisions. We manage the development and implementation of the projects and promote the implementation of evidence-based teaching in the courses. We study learner engagement and course design in our research.
We enjoy working with the high school students as well as MIT undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in science education to make important contributions to projects.
More info on the courses we offer to a global audience:
• 7.00x Intro to Biology – The Secret of Life
• 7.03x Genetics series
• 7.05x Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms
• 7.06x Cell Biology series
• 7.QBWx Quantitative Biology Workshop
• 7.28x Molecular Biology series
• Inclusive Teaching Module
• TA Training
What are we discovering about student engagement and online course design? Learn more the research, workshops, and talks that we give about our digital learning work.
Get an insight into what projects we do for MIT students.
Do you want to see how the learning sciences influence our design choices? Check out this section for more information.
What's new from MITxBio? Read what others have to say about our newest projects, both at MIT and in the public media.
Interested in learning more about the structure of DNA? Want to delve deeper into the cell cycle, the process by which your cells divide and replicate? Check out our collection of short educational videos, designed with students and teachers in mind!
We are fortunate to have several of our presentations recorded for you to check out if you missed the live session.
7.00x Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life with Professor Eric Lander! Learn for free: self-paced and open to the world.
Dr. Lander's [7.00x] course is a rare gem... The course is very polished and well-organized -- much more than any other course I have taken either online or at the University.
learner on CourseTalk
This course [7.00x] is AWESOME! I totally love it. Challenging problem sets, crystal clear lectures of Prof. Lander, guidance from fellow mates (on the forums) and deep dives- what else would one want in a good course. Good job 7.00x team!
Nalin Venkat Sameera on CourseTalk
The [7.05x] problem sets are not a simple regurgitation of facts, but challenge you to think critically and truly test understanding of the material. I am concurrently studying to write the MCAT and am finding the knowledge I'm learning here is definitely improving my practice testing in the Bio/Biochem section.
learner on ClassCentral
I have done over 30 MOOCS and [7.00x] rates in the top 3 - as Professor Landers says this is a dynamic field and you will be learning material that is at the leading edge of what is emerging - be prepared to put in the hours and be fascinated.
Alan McCrindle on CourseTalk
I'm still cherishing the [7.00x] course material.
learner on CourseTalk
I really enjoyed this course [7.28.1x] ... from the clear, engaging and substantive lectures, the relevant and challenging quizzes and the extra tidbits. ... Thank you for assembling this fantastic resource!
learner on CourseTalk
I found the [7.QBWx] learning content in this course challenging, comprehensive and of great value with respect to the total time I have invested for studying this course.
learner on ClassCentral
I found it absolutely awe inspiring to learn just how much we now know about DNA replication and repair. The course [7.28.1x] will leave you in awe of the intricate machinery of our bodies (and those of E. coli), as well as give you a deep respect for the researchers who are busy bringing to light an ever increasing knowledge of DNA mechanisms. It will also give you an admiration for instructors who can explain this knowledge to others. Five stars certainly!
learner on CourseTalk
The contents of this class [7.28.1x] are cutting-edge. The instructors and the designers of the educational materials have done an outstanding job here. The use of multimedia in the quizzes and exercise is extremely clever. ... I feel now that I can understand the life science articles in magazines such as Nature or Science much better.
Gi Ibsganich on CourseTalk
If you're expecting a traditional biology course where you memorize terms and spit them back out, then this [7.28.1x] would not be the course for you. I've always held MIT to be the equivalent of Ivy League standards and this course gives a valid and just assessment towards that end. ... The core bulk... focuses on your ability to think and apply what you've learned to scenarios that are presented to you. ... Every quiz has questions that a person would encounter if they worked in a real world biology lab. Overall it has been an excellent teacher and course.
learner on CourseTalk