Session 113

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 41 TE 6060

On to the fourth trial: The new reversi symdrome:

  • Weapon OBs get turned into directed spell OBs and vice versa. (Imre gets total of skill plus spell mastery into a directed spell OB).
  • Your DB turns into your spell list skill and vice versa.
  • HP turn into PP and vice versa.
  • AT 20 and 1 flip, 19 and 2 flip, etc.

We get a moment to grab some spare weapons stride forth onto the field of combat to fight the hordes of elementals!!!

Oathar charges into immolation position in the center of the fire elementals. The other air and water elementals surround the rest of the party!

Kyrik learns fire elemental language and then commands them to attack the water elementals. Half of them fall for it. Haeraan starts absolving elementals.

Oathar pretty much stands there while many many elementals beat on him, but he's continually stunned, so doesn't do anything helpful (beyond occupying a bunch of attackers).

Imre hacks through elementals at pretty much 1 a round. Alynna starts slaying them with bolts. As does Haeraan. It goes on and on....

The fire elementals fighting the water elementals finally anihilate each other, but still the battle rages on. (And the Earth elementals haven't even arrived yet.)

On and on we fight, killing elementals all along. Even Oathar finally wakes up from his eternal stun and starts killing elementals.

After the 10th round of our eternal fight, alynna goes down! Oathar leaps in to save her. But she gets back up in the 11th round.

Finally, the last falls before us. Victory is ours!!! Wounded foes are healed, restoring their power points of course. This costs, of course, hit points which we will have to be down going into the fifth trial.

On to the fifth trial:

We approach a glowing circle on the ground. A voice calls out, "Choose the form of the destroyer!" Oathar, Alynna, and Haeraan call out pirates, lugraki and undead, while Imre says Demons. Kyrik keeps his mind a complete blank! Nothing happens. Oathar examines the circle and decides it won't do anything until someone gets into it. Haeraan steps forwards and suddenly we are all transported to the infinite grey planes of combat, where four of us seem to be battling four identical Haeraans.

Next time!