Session 120

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 70 TE 6060

We assault the creep!

It's Horrible. We're completely over matched. Doom is upon us. We fight on.

Kyrik gets brutalized many many times by ultralisks.

Of course one overlord and two drone escape through the Nydus canal. The creep fades away after we kill everything.

Then we explore and find the remains of the spaceship!

Inside we find a number of plastifilms with writing on them. It's Terran so Oathar and Kyrik translate it. It's a supply report from the Cyril VII orbital station. There's another one that says station operation protocols and list two entities that run the station: The Diakhovaria (rulers) and a subcontract to the Khashmere Commonwealth. They carry supplies to the station. The third plastic has a summary of landing reports: <date> initial expedition sent down contact lost, intermittent transmission over several years, six years ago followup expidition sent after irregularities found in planetary interference. Then there are notes about expedition blending into local population and suggestion for how to not use technology and attempt to ascertain knowledge of "magic".