Session 153

In which our heroes ...


We're all at home at some point, except for Kyrik who is "shoeing his horses". The other four of us get a message from Veriak, "Come quickly."

So, we gather our gear and head right over.

Arriving at his place, he shows us to a back room with a ritual circle. He gestures towards it urgently, and we step into the circle. Suddenly, there is a blinding flash and we are standing in a white gazebo. Oathar remembers the gazebo. Yup, we're dead again.

An elf with silver robes come up and bows and asks use to accompany him. He leads us down the garden path and finally we get to an open cleared picnic area with a bunch of seats facing a podium. There are a number of people there. We recognize, at least one retired loremaster. And there's an active one. There are a couple more actives, and several retired ones. One guy looks fairly familiar, but we're not really sure who he is. We also notice a guy in realyl ornate black armor. That's probably ancient Rianne knight styled armor. There's another guy who looks familiar to the churchy folks, but we can't place him. Perhaps he was in the book of the moon. Yup, many improtant guests. Alynna also recognizes Saint Arnold of Cay. Yup, that's him alright. Alynna also identifies the current church strongman of Cay. (Head of the committee of doctrinal purity.)

After a bit, a really elfy elf comes up to the podium and asks everyone (in their native language) to please be welcome.

He explains that Orhan and Charon orbit Kulthea every so often there is a conjunction of the moons. If a conjunction of moons occurs while both moons are full, Kulthea becomes a battle ground allowing the minions of Charon to descend. If however, the conjunction occurs while the moons are new, the essence flow reverses and the minions of Charon can ascend instead.

Greetings Loremasters, you have been recruited by the Orhanian league, to defend the frontier against Zatar and the Hordes of Charon.

(Everyone hears their own title.)

Some of us have already been assigned. Others may form your own teams. We form "The Star Team" and see if anyone wants to join us. The hordes of Charon are apparently quite vast, so they'll attempt to channel them into manageable groups for each of us to fight. We can choose our battleground.

  • Charon Invaders
  • Charon Missile Command
  • Charon Centipiede
  • Charon Tempest
  • Charon Gauntlet
  • etc.

We choose to fight in the battleground of Orhan Fantasy Tactics.

Running Totals: Gil: 1345 Items: ASword, MagicShield+15+Heal3, OfficialWarrant, LostGem

Bandits! We fight! Gil: 100 Item: RustyFork

Forest! We find Gil: 50

Hamlet! With an inn and a smith. He has lot's of ordinary weapons. We sell the Rusty Fork for 5 gil. At the inn, we buy a drink for 5 gil and get information for 10 gil. A bunch of adventurers have showed up ever since the king put out a reward anyone who would help against demonic invasions. Lawlessness too. If the demons capture the princess and sacrifice her to their dark god, they will be able to open a portal and take over the world. The princess is in her summer home to the south.

Desert! We find Gil: 20 Item: ASword

Desert! Demons! We Fight! It's quite bloody, but we prevail. We find: 200 gil, MagicShield+15+Heal3, MagicDagger+15

Southern Mountains! We find: RustySpoon

Southern Mountains! We fight! We find: 250 Gil, BigStoneClub (3), PurpleGem

Vacation Home! We're blown off by the guards!


Town! We sell RustySpoon for 5 Gil. We sell MagicDagger+15 for 250 Gil, BigStoneClub for 10 each, ASword for 15 Gil. At Bar 15 gil for information. Teh castle is to the southwest. We'd need friends to get in first. We bribe him to give us a BribePaper.

Castle! There's a line. We give the guy at the gate BribePaper. We skip to head of line. King's Recruitment Officer tells us to swear oath and get OfficialWarrant.

Blasted Lands! We fight! We get 500 Gil.

Vacation Home! With OfficialWarrant we get in! The Princess says, if only my necklace were charged, we could defend the kingdom. We give her one PurpleGem.

Mountains! We find: LostGem.

Cut Scene: Demons are coming!

Desert!: We fight! Full demon horde!