Session 157

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 9 TE 6061

We continue escorting our bothans, when suddenly, they head over to a small clearing and start collecting flowers. Whoa! There's a puff of spores and suddenly they are dying! Yup, that's deadly purple lotus. The two main ingredients in the antidote are stranglekelp and earthroot. These herbs can only be found in the river and mountains respectively.

Newmoon guards the bothans while we head off to find ingredients. We dash back to the river.

Brother Elk finds some stranglekelp, but we have a bit of a problem picking it without getttng strangled. First it comes out that no one but the boss seems to have a slashing weapon. Eventually, we enact a plan where elk distracts the weed, while Sand chops it. It's strangely perilous, but we do manage to get the stranglekelp leaves.

We wrap them up carefully and start heading up towards the mountain. Sand summons a Pig of Neela! Then Elk talks to the pig and convinces it to find some undeground Earthroot. It searches around for a while, then rushes over to eat some Earthroot. Luckily we manage to steal the Earthroot from teh pig. We teleport the pig over to a new meadow and start the search anew to get the other one we need. Strangely, when we pull the earth root, a bunch of earth elementals appear to crush us for stealing the earthroot. Kyrik and Elk teleport away, Sand and Gilly fly away. The pig gets squished. Elk is sad for the pig. Neela probably wonders what happened to her pig.

Now it's time to prepare the herbs to save the bothans! Elk takes charge. He prepares the herbs and saves the bothans! We chastise them about wandering off into strange flower fields.

We camp!

Orhan 5 Day 10 TE 6061

We proceed towards our goal.

Orhan 5 Day 11 TE 6061

Gilly notices some vultures hanging out in the direction we are going.

As she heads over there, there seem to be a bunch more of them.

As we arrive, we find that indeed the vultures are gathered at a battlefield. Lot's of dead everywhere. Tragically, a hand reaches out of the ground and grabs a vulture. We take that as a bad sign. There's even a little village right next to the battlefield. We rush in to the rescue! Newmoon watches the bothans.

There's a whole mess of zombies.

The escorting of the villagers goes fairly well until Sand blows a Repulsions spell and fries his brain for d10 hours. He has to be escorted out like one of the villagers aafter that, and the party's zombie destruction power is cut in half. (Previously each round Kyrik killed one and Sand blew one up. After that, it started getting bad as their replenishment rate was higher than our smite rate.)

Eventually, we get all of the villagers out.