Session 161

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 5 Day 1 TE 6061

We press on. The countryside is completely deserted. On towards late afternoon we spot our first people.

A giant octogon is etched into the bare stone. Blood fills the channels in the stone and candles and priests, and sacrificial victims. There are 8 priests. with about 3 more backup. They have a dozen guards, and a pen with 200 prisoners for sacrificing.

Whisper and Nimble get teleported into the prisoner pen and start trying to get some allies. For reasons no one understands, the slaves suddenly realize Whisper is the Messiah! They pick him up and prepare to exalt him. Oh dear. It seems he's now drawing attention from all priests and soldier.

The fight begins....

The mob takes orders from their messiah and starts surging towards their gate.

We start plunking the priests with arrows. The guards are quickly over run by the marauding peasants... Sadly, teh high priest manages to get a curse off on Tunaep, so people watch him closely. He's still plunking priest with arrows though, so it's probably OK.

Having driven off all the guards, Whisper and his right hand man Nimble turn the mob around and bring it back to charge the priests. Sadly, then Nimble gets cursed and has his appearance dropped to 1. His mob recoils in horror... Luckily their messiah has not abandoned them and rallies his troops.

Tunaep is still plunking guys with arrows. The mob arrives to swarm over the priests.

The ritual collapses. Now we need to get everyone out of the octogon before what's left of the essense explodes. Sadly, they are harder to rally into retreat than they were into attack.

Then the earth rumbles and a portal to another plane cracks open. This scares the rest of the NPCs away, but Oathar takes his team in to try and seal the breech. Oathar ritualizes to close it while everyone else tries to keep the demons off him as they squirm through to this world.

The rupture begins with a pair of demons... and then a third. The party starts leaping upon them.

Things start getting bad. There are 6 floating heads, 5 ghosts, 4 shadows, and 1 type III demon left. Oathar has to stop ritualing to help out against the rising tide.

Suddenly, Nimble's friend Mark shows up to lend a hand. He's a crazed frenzied bezerker, so we hope having him around will help.