Session 166

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 45+ TE 6061

Finally back in Selkai, Oathar distributes the years profits. Haeraan is informed that several "scouts" have been sent by his temple to the area of the Necromancer Dude Ranch, but sadly, none of them have returned. They suspect that something even worse is there now.

Also, there is an new fashion craze in the city as all of the rich fashionistas are wearing expensive dark cool leather. (Which Haeraan detects as undead. Gah.)

We note that Santa Vallandra's military all gained a level, as did Oathar's marines.

Arisia reports that a nice little boutique opened recently selling the undead leather garments. Haeraan goes to investigate. There's a glowing rune on the front door. He identifies it as a rune of Detect Good. Haeraan uses his vast powers to detect as a 5th level warrior and goes to check out the shop. Lot's of leather.

Oathar goes to ask Audrae, and is given hints that Dolnegan and Alaxatan are connected there with. Oathar pretty much expected that...

Arisia spends her time trying to bankrupt Imre as his wedding is coming up and Nusmoi needs assistance with the preparations.

Alynna is invited to the New Year's Ball at the palace of Haalkataine. She declines in order to attend Imre's wedding. Sniff. Also, Alynna investigates high cost prisons while considering plans to deal with her brother.

Haeraan tells Oathar about the requests from Nuyom Kom to protect their treasury, and arrange financing.

Oathar receives a message, crudely written, from Foreman Grok at the silver mine. "It cold now. This last message of season. We send silver to you. It gud. You come visit? We feast."

Oathar and Haeraan attempt to convince the council of supporting the Nuyani War effort. They manage to get the council to agree to a war bond issue for open sale, to the Nuyani and ask Oathar to get agreement from the HuTarn to solidify it.

We get a New Year's gift from the HuTarn including silken clothing for everyone.

Imre and Alynna research laen lenses and discover that a stash of them is known to be in the Horde of Voorig Kye. We appoint Imre to go talk to Gireg Jan about alternate sources. He brings Alynna. Gireg Jan wonders why we'd need something so esoteric as laen lenses. Imre shows him his holy symbol. He's impressed and remarks that maybe some ancient prophesies are coming true. We tell him we need four of the things, hopefully from someplace other than the horde of Voorig Kye. Gireg Jan is pleased we've decided to bring these things to his attention. He'll look into it.

Oathar hires the Order of the Stick down at the Drake's Lair and pays them to deliver a message to the HuTarn regarding the war bonds. He hires them for 20 gold now, with 40 gold more on completion.

We go shopping....

People fuss about various presents...