Session 20

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 3 Day 44 TE 6051

We head back to the library. We hear a rumor from Selkai about a tall Eilar elf who calls herself The Prophet of Valris who claims to come from the East. She's an astrologer wandering around telling futures. Someday, we may even get back there to meet her.

Orhan 3 Day 59 TE 6051

We head to the Haalkitaine, the capital of the Rakhan Empire. D. and Imre go to the theatre. Oathar goes to the bloodsport at the coliseum. Woo hoo!

Oathar and Imre go to get some permits at the dread Ministry of Permits. They both get a magic permit, but the Business permit office is closed.

Kyrik goes to his home and recommends an Inn: The Wandering Goose seems good. Many of us go there. Jack gets the junky room over the kitchen.

Vallandra chats up a Loar sculpter and talks about a crying unicorn statue. He offers her the unicorn thing for like 50 gold. Vallandra dithers a bit. Oathar gets him to cut the price to 45 gold. It's made of Orhan marble, but otherwise seems not so remarkable. She buys it an attunes to it. It glows and is warm and makes her feel good. It also seems to be a power point storage battery (20 mentalism points).

D. and Imre find a troupe of real talent doing a classic love story. D. chats with the actors afterwards. Carstia, the half-elf female lead, says they are a travelling troupe and wander around Rakhan and Jaiman. They offer her an audition. They have an illusionist in their troupe too.

Orhan 3 Day 60 TE 6051

Kyrik wants to go to court. That seems to imply the whole party needs to go to the baths. That's wacky, but we go. Then we have to spend foolish amounts of money on clothing. Haeraan and Kyrik recognize lot's of nobles. More southern lords are here since they don't have a war. The Emporer has a big pile of titles. The princess is quite the babe, and all are thankful that Jack couldn't make it.

The emporer comes over and drools over Vallandra. The emporer seems to know Kyrik and Haeraan by name. The emporer thinks Haeraan father has been quite an aide. Then he goes and drools over D too. The emporer is impressed that Haeraan seems to command the attentions of such pretty high elves.

D. gets into a suitor fight with the princess. Haeraan throws himself into the breech for the good of the Empire and asks D. to dance. It's sad, but sometimes you need to take one for the team. Kyrik goes in to save Haeraan. Haeraan's dreadfully offended, but manages to not end up duelling Kyrik. The princess dances by with her professional dancer to mock them.

Vallandra and Imre dance. The rest of the night passes without incident. Lot's of people are down on the elves though.

Vallandra experiments later by using the pendant to tell her about the unicorn. She thinks the unicorn has some sort of key and detection functions.

Orhan 3 Day 61 TE 6051

While we're in town, we do some research at the library and find that the Lords of Essence had six fingers. We also find out that the citadel of the dragon lord is 600 miles north.

Orhan 3 Day 71 TE 6051

We go to Gryphon College and resupply. Anton thinks our plan might be dangerous. He's going to see what he can do to help us prepare. He gives us each a Potion of Fire Armor. All concussion hit damage from fire are halved, and heat crits are reduced by one level. Duration seems to be 20 minutes. Totally immune to all natural fire. He gives Imre some burn relief herbs.

He tells us to treat the dragon lord like a dragon. Flattery and talking is better than fighting. He also says the dragon lord is a demon summoner. We decide to take the western haunted lake shore route.

Orhan 3 Day 72 TE 6051

We start North. Well provisioned. Then the provisions run out.

Orhan 4 Day 27 TE 6051

The girls feed us as they are masters of hunting and trapping. Kyrik insists that he can hunt too, but when he tries, he tracks down a wight instead of a deer. Luckily, Reann, a slender man with fair skin, dark eyes and black hair, riding a unicorn, comes down from Orhan and summons Haeraan to his side. Haeraan, Reann, Kyrik and Vallandra attack the wight. Haeraan covers himself in glory and then Reann dismounts and says, "The night is quiet, as it should be." The silence is palpable. Reann says, "You have done well my son." and taps Haeraan on the shoulder with his sword. His unicorn taps Haeraan on the other shoulder. Reann says, "Ever we are vigilent in the night." and vanishes.

The rest of the party wonders what happened to Haeraan. Oathar wants to eat his potato, but Imre keeps it safe. Haeraan comes back and eats the holy cleansed potato of Reann.

We find very clean potatoes here and there for weeks.

Orhan 4 Day 57 TE 6051

We're definitely in dragon lord territory. We ride along, and there in front of us is a big hulking demon with wings. It's got a weird looking crossbow and a huge sword. Imre says, "Ack! That's a pale V demon!" It charges. Imre says, "Fly fools! It's almost upon us." Kier takes off. Vallandra flees. Haeraan yells "Regroup" and runs. We crest a hill while we flee, and below there are like 50 Lugraki. We turn.

The demon gets to the top of the hill and gets attacked by the Lugraki. We take this opportunity to flee. We flee through a little stand of trees and find 20 more Lugraki. This is the third deadly peril Imre has lead us into in the last five minutes. We get surrounded by the new Lugraki. Imre and D. switch to Black Speech and start ordering Lugraki around. The lugraki gather around D. and ask for orders. Imre smites one and tells them to go get the demon! A bunch run off. The rest start worshiping D. and Imre.

The lugraki come back and say the demon left. Then the big lugraki shows up and says, "Who you!" D. responds with some more black speech: "I'm my own master as well as yours. Kneel if you wish your life to be spared."

The lugraki all fall down laughing! D. turns into a Dyar while they are laughing. Lugraki: "Bissybosh like you! Rackinishu like you!" All the lugraki cheer. "Come, we celebrate!"

We march away with the lugraki. They have tokens with large brown splotches with little wisp symbols rising from it. D. and the lugraki chief of the dragon turd tribe converse. D. interrogates them a bit. The demons apparently wander around. These lugraki don't like the dragon lord. They're thinking of moving to the northwest where there's a forest. We get to their camp. It's filled with lugraki.

We celebrate. Imre and D. go into the chiefs tent. The rest of us stay outside and don't "rock the boat".

Kyrik is given a silver hammer by Imre, and the lugraki cheer. Kyrik goes to join the silver hammer game. The lugraki start bashing each other (and Kyrik).

Back in the tent. "Dragon turd tribe wants to leave dragon tribe." They want D. to help them escape the dragon lord.

The chief comes out and addresses the tribe. Apparently D. cut a deal with them. They decide to seal the deal by making us members of the tribe. We all get badges.

The party is now part of the dragon turd tribe!