Session 210

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 38 TE 6063

"Many tails have I, or many a beginning, if I fail, people sigh, wails mark their passing." There are three bronze plaques on the bottom. A mighty oak tree with many roots, a cat with many snake headed tails, and a rope with one end frayed and unravelled..

Yup, still stuck here with that skeleton guy. Kyrik decides to take a nap.

We buff. The skeleton watches, the spiders gather.

We attack! Lot's of little spiders come down to get Oathar and Imre, while Alynna and Haeraan wait on top of the cube. They start trying to chop him while Oathar and Imre blast him. They wall walk and adrenal balance their way into combat.

It turns out the spiders steal levels from you if they bite you, so Oathar flies way down below the battle.

We fight more.

We defeat the skeleton, but sadly Haeraan and Alynna get covered in black fire. Imre heals the soul damage, and Oathar puts the fire out by fireballing Alynna. (ironic, eh?). Sadly, he tops out on the crit and accidentally sets her hair on fire. Woe!

We touch the rope plaque on the cube, there is a click, and the pictures fade. Rianne says that job is done.

We retreat to the tower of chance to rest and eat waybread.

Orhan 1 Day 39 TE 6063

We survive the night.

We decide to do the dragon next.

Next time, the dragon!