Session 248

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 63 TE 6064

We get a fate point. The party buzzes around the mine destroying everything evil in sight. Then we need to figure out how to get the mine running again. It produced about 100-150 gold a month in pure profit, a substantial portion of the party income, but that was with unpaid trogli labor and lugraki overlords. Might that work again? Should we really be oppressing trogli? Where would we even find more trogli? We could hire humans, but then wed likely have to fire the lugroki. Once unemployed, they'd probably start pillaging. Then we'd have to kill them. Hmm, it doesn't feel quite right to slay our loyal lugraki employees...

Alynna remembers that her doobie, Magellan, was in tight with a trogli tribe down in the swamps near Sarnak. Maybe they'll want to work for us.

Orhan 1 Day 64 TE 6064

We head to Sarnak to see if we can't find more Trogli in the nearby swamp.

Alynna gets to be in charge in the city, and we head out towards the swamps...

We try to find that village where Magellan and Murky were famous. But we can't find it, so we head to Stampy's shack. Stampy remembers Alynna. Stampy agrees to guide us to the Trogli village.

We discuss for a bit, just how much we want to oppress the Trogli and then go to recruit them. We trade on Magellan's fame and get a meeting with the big Trog. We're so bad.

We are shown to the largest badly constructed mud hut, where the big trog lives.

Negotiations commence. We offer to set up a little company town around the mine, pay the Trogli in Oathar-scrip, and set up a little company store where they can spend Oathar-scrip to buy blankets and warm clothes and things. (Sicne they can't be paid in real money and then head into stores in town. Townsfolk will slay them.) Also there will be Lugraki to protect them and not beat on them unless they are bad.

The Trogli are somewhat receptive, but demand that we move the statue with them. And respect it. Imre inspects the statue of Magellan and finds that it's got channeling power. Whoa! The Trogli are worshipping Magellan and very slowly turning him into a Trogli god.

While the Trogli consider the offer further, we go to find Magellan.

Orhan 1 Day 65 TE 6064

We head to Izar, last reported location of Magellan. We make contacting rolls looking for a one-armed man named Magellan. They all say, "Are you sure you aren't looking for the Doctor?" Doctor, one armed man, who killed his wife and got arrested a couple months ago? Yeah, him. He was in jail until they shipped a bunch of prisoners up to Zinvar to help clear the island.


There's a cartel that has a monopoly on Zinvar; they keep secretly importing special man sized bolts of special silk. House Alaxatan and Gugulon are involved. Dolnegan may be involved as well.


Orhan 1 Day 66 TE 6064

We get one of Oathar's fast, quiet, boats. Imre wonders why it doesn't have a flag or uniforms like all of Oathar's other boats. Turns out the linens are all off being washed. And why is it double hulled with all these extra spaces in and around the bilge... Oh, to prevent damage from icebergs. Cetainly, the whole thing doesn't seem as spacious inside as Oathar's other ships. Almost as if it were bigger on the outside than on the inside.

Imre makes a batch of waybread for the sailors so he can poke around the secret places.

We sail the ship up near Zinvar. We teleport off the boat into the surf. We magically locate Magellan. He's not in the palisade protected area; he's about 1/2 mile in the deep woods.

As we head up the beach, we buff as little, 'cause Kaeden are going to be around. As we get closer to Magellan, we notice larger webs in the trees. We press on towards poor doomed Magellan.

We unpresence... and keep moving forward. We come to some ruins. Still trees and the like, but there was a little town village here. It's abandoned.

Suddenly, Imre detects contacts closing. Simultaneously, we find some face sucker eggs, one of which is hatching. We pick up the pace and start heading towards the extreme danger.

As we approach, Imre sees about 2 dozen of the things... As we get closer, we see several people shackled up to poles and the like, some of which are cocooned. As we approach, we see the face hugger getting closer to a victim.

Imre sleeps the facesucker, as we're sure that if anything is killed, a dozen Kaeden will be on us within moments... Kyrik tries to free Magellan and fails. Alynna finally breaks him off the pole. One prisoner says "Kill me," and then starts convulsing...

We apologize to the poor fool for being unable to give him the coup, grab Magellan, and teleport out. We check Magellan for "guests" and find he's still clean. Alynna and Imre head in to investigate the Pallisades while Oathar considers how hard it would be to actually interdict the island, either with a navy or a goddess.

Alynna and Imre investigate the hold of one of the ships. In the hold are a number of cages with very fine mesh. Currently empty. Whole person sized. It's pretty clear that the bad trade houses are smuggling implanted prisoners off the island to their bio-weapons research divisions. Oathar wonders why his house doesn't have a bio-weapons research division. Oh wait, because they're evil. Right.

We wonder what to do just as Magellan starts to come around...