Session 258

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 2 Day 35 TE 6064

We decide what to do for a while about the Ardanian/Lankani peace conference.

Imre and Alynna teleport down to an Inn in Ardania to start looking around. Upon their arrival from the teleport, the instantly realize that things have gone very very wrong. The room is filled with people, Imre is instantly hit with a whip. There are a number of priests standing around a sacrificial vicitim. The priests are chanting and casting both knives and spells as soon as they arrive.

Imre recognizes one of the figures as a guy who we saw head into the secret headquarters of the Jerek Arenraith.

Alynna is immediately Absolved. Imre resists his barrage and goes straight for the evac teleport. They reappear at the villa. Alynna is dead.

Imre teleports Alynna's body straight to the temple of Eissa. They says it's not actually her time, but she's been brought back before, so if she's brought back there will be a price. Everyone goes and gathers at the temple of Eissa to pray for her return.

Orhan 2 Day 36 TE 6064

At dawn, Alynna is resurrected. She'll need a day to recover.

Orhan 2 Day 37 TE 6064

Imre goes to Veriak to see what the heck was up with that. "I see a god stand before you with an outraised hand. I see a yawning precipice. I see a red hot spike drawn through the world. I see you on a mobius strip running around and around. I see a pair of flaming eyes searching the darkness for you. As I stare into the prcipice, I see a black stone on a chain falling through the darkness, and I see a hand reach out and catch it, and go back into the darkness."

We find this creepy.

Orhan 2 Day 38 TE 6064

After much fussing, Oathar and Kyrik go to Nomikos to research the Orb of Rebirth. "Rebirth: refer to hallow crystal #3". This of course resides in the Special Restricted Collection. Yeah, like they'll let us in there. Oathar fills out a special collection request form. He'll likely hear back in a month.

Orhan 2 Day 39 TE 6064

We go to Karilon looking for more info. Kyrik looks up stuff about Navigator breeding programs... Imre finds reference hallow log number 431983. The librarian goes off to check. He says Imre needs "the staff". A Loremaster lore roll later... we figure out that we'l be needing teh Sceptre of Kieron T'Thon. An artifact of the lords of essence. It has a complete copy of all library works in it. They've also got crystal vaults but not so many readers left.

Alynna goes to try to talk Tavaar Dekdarion into letting us into the library.

She gets us in. We look up the reference crystal. It talks in Althan. It projects an Althan in a lab. "It has been six weeks since the defeat of Kadaena. The ecosphere is on the verge of collapse. lava flows, sulphur, CO2, etc. If this continues all life on the planet may be extinguished. We are attempting to reverse the large scale catastrophic effects. Initial work has concentrated on establishing a stable perimeter within which we may be able to form an ark."

Behind him in the lab is a black metal tripod with a ring on top that has a black tube going downwards. On top of the ring sits a glowing sphere. Foci are being prepared. If successful the orbs of rebirth will save what life remains. In order to safeguard the orbs, Daenku is working on a cloaking mechanism. with luck this will be in place when the orbs are deployed. Report filed on date: something inscrutible. Report concluded: Utha. So, that's what Utha looked like. How interesting. Oathar thought he'd be taller.

Orhan 2 Day 40 TE 6064

Imre gets Gireg Jan to give him some contacts in Ardania.

We take a boat down to Ardania.