Session 30

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 3 Day 67 TE 6052

The party reviews the map of the region that they have been given by the Loremasters and get additional verbal information about possible threats: The Ice Kral (think of the apes from Planet of the Apes), who are sea pirates; Threk, which are 4' long warm-blooded lizards that are omnivores (but like fresh meat); Trolls; the minions of Hrassek, the Spider-Goddess; the gnoll stronghold; etc, etc.

In the face of the above, the party wonders why they are here again, and are reminded of their charge to obtain the antidote needed to cure the Loremaster Ren Thraysek. As Alcorn is found in the highlands, they will need to go south and/or east to the plateau region.

So, the party goes in search of a more detailed map of the region. After several unsuccessful attempts at a furrier and pawn shop, their map inquiry gets directed to a local, Kren Talog, who is trying to sell a map to a silver mine. The party is generally not enthusiastic about this, but then Vallandra wakes up at this time and suggests trying to find a guide. Haeraan also decides that perhaps using the silver mine map might be a good cover activity for going up to find the Alcorn. The party is directed to the Raging Threk to find Kren and he is directed over by a helpful barmaid. Negotiations ensue and the party determined that Kren probably isn't a whacko, so they offer to buy the map as well as hire him as a guide for 50 gp total (25 now, 25 on return). Kren agrees and the party makes final preparations.

Kyrik goes looking for some horses, but the locals only have sheep, dogs and mules, so he get what he thinks is a docile looking mule (but only rolls a net 60 for his Animal Handling).

The next day, the party sets out. Kyrik fails to convince the mule to get going, so Imre brings out a carrot, which the mule fails to pursue until Imre has stopped taunting him with it. Finally, the mule starts moving.

On day 2, Kyrik again fails to convince the mule to walk, so he makes an adrenal strength roll and pushes the mule a good 5 yards, leaving behind a trail of furrows in the ground as the mule has dug in its legs. Finally, the mule gets the idea and walks.

The party continues its journey into the mountains uneventfully. On day 7, the group is in the foothills and moving upland. It starts raining and Haeraan rolls poorly on his Mountain Survival skill, so the group spends a cold and miserable night in the lee of a small hill.

On day 8, the weather is much the same, but Haeraan finds a nice cave for the group to rest in. Kren is not put on any watches, which he doesn't mind. On the third watch (Kyrik, plus the Elves are now awake), hears a tapping noise from the back of the cave. The other members of the group are awakened and suddenly a hole opens up in the floor of the cave. A Trolgi sticks his head out and then retreats.

Our group bravely decides to investigate. Kren is left to watch the mule, and the party goes into the hole, which leads to a tunnel that eventually widens out into a largish cave (although only about 5-6' tall).

Suddenly, the group is surrounded by a sea of eyes: a huge number of Trogli have formed a U shape around the group. Haeraan (who is already glowing from an Aura spell) casts a spell so he can understand Black Speech. Then a slightly larger Trogli pushes his way to the front and asks Haeraan: "Are you ... a god?"

Haeraan, seeing the slippery slope down to heresy, nevertheless claims to be an agent of the gods. After some questioning, it is determined that the Trogli worship a god of fire who carries a sword and whip. The Trogli asks if they are there to challenge the god. Eventually, Haeraan says "Take us to the Pretender!" Everyone prepares for battle (to be held next session).

Orhan 4 Day 5 TE 6052...
