Session 313

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 2 Day 60 TE 6065

The fortress is built into the side of a mountain. There are a couple of towers near the summit pointing up. It's quite spooky.

We charge in stalwartly. By flying over the landmines and heading to the top of one of the towers. We dodge the grenades from the sentries, and land on the tower and engage. We take ou the guards, Haeraan scans the tower, and declares no other undead within. Imre declares a presense in there.

We pass through the catapult supply room. We get to the mage room and subdue the mage. He gets questioned and looted, and then we sleep him take his keys and head down into the castle/mountain proper.

We move through some more Iron Wind. Oathar chops them Cay-style.

We charge through countless more Iron Wind.

We finally get to the bottom and enter their stupid temple instead of their treasury. There are three priests around the altar, praying over the watermellon sized black rock of evil pulsing on the altar. 10 iron wind guys attack too. We fight!

We defeat the Iron Wind a bunch but then there is a terrible battle with the High priest who is invincible and had a soul stealing rock. We do manage to take him out, man it is hard. As the temple is collapsing around us, we run into the treasury room and find the laen shards of the prison. SAdly, it is too late to escape with them!!!

Alynna prays to Cay, and with a 228, he beams us all out with the lootz and deposits us in Selkai, in our basement.

Praise Cay!