Session 34

In which our heroes have a long talk with Anton...

Orhan 4 Day 57 TE 6052

We transfer some stuff to our new pirate ship. Perhaps Anton wants to interrogate our prisoner. Anton begins with "Hate Analysis" the secret Loremaster spell. "Power Analysis" and "Minds Lore III" soon follow. We're impressed. He says he's been able to determine that this guy is a magician with an aura of demon summoning (not recent), he's been assigned to this ship to serve Lorgalis' fleet, which is mostly patroling rather than campaigning. Otherwise, they'r ejust supposed to capture and detain any non-Lorgalis ships in the area. We can probably get through by keeping the flag of Ulor up on the bad guy ship, while we get towed to our destination.

We detain the mage and decide to turn him over for PIRACY (and summoning evil demons and doing war on behalf of undead kings) to the authorities. We head on towards Lethys.

Orhan 4 Day 67 TE 6052

We encounter a Danarchis flag, and the other ship immediately flees.

Orhan 5 Day 4 TE 6052

We pull into Lethys.We keep our flag of Ulor as a souveneir. We get rid of our prisoner and the city officials take him. Sadly, there is no reward. We decide to spend the night and head out for Halkataine in the morning.

Orhan 5 Day 5 TE 6052

We take some horses and head off towards Halkataine. North-ity, north-ity.

Orhan 5 Day 15 TE 6052

Lot's of travel north is mostly successful! Woo hoo! Sadly, it's a cold dreary and rainy day. We go to the palace and Anton gets us in. We're taken to a side wing where we are led into a sitting room. Anton is greeted by a Freya, who is pleased that we brought the herbs. We give her one of the two bags of herbs and she says she'll need to work undisturbed for a while. We are shooed out and find ourselves in the palace. We wait around. Without Kyrik and Haeraan, we decide to wander around palace getting into trouble. Sadly, trouble is not to be found, merely libraries and courtyards, so D. has to sneak around seeking it out. She finds the kitchen and the roof and stuff. She takes some good stuff.

After a few hours, we meet back where we left Freya. Anton brings us back in past the sitting room to the bedroom. There we see the Loremaster lying in bed with the healer over him. He stirs after a couple of minutes. "Ren? can you hear me?" He responds with some gutteral screech, but she seems pleased. He thanks us. Before he can offer us some vast reqard, he falls asleep. Freya thinks he's essentially out of danger, but will take a while recovering.

Anton says, "The Loremasters thank you." D. says, "But do the Loremasters forgive us for our spending lot's of money?" "Yes, that too." He also takes Oathar's emergency becon as it will take a couple of days to recharge.

Anton's done some investigation into House Sentoris. In the mountains of Gold on the western coast of Emer, there is a hidden dark elf city called Shystone City. They are known only through intermediaries, specifically a Dwarven colony. The dwarves keep the secret of the Dyars safe in exchange for taking a cut. House Sentoris has had contacts with these Dyar, direct or through the Dwarves is unclear.

Imre thinks we are supposed to head ot the mountains of Gold. The rest of us are unclear what exactly we would be doing there.

We discuss log 5 for a while as we try to decide if Selkai is too dangersous in front of Anton and he says, "Oh, the Cult of Stars and the Tower of Vour." We are stunned that somehow we never mentioned this to him before. The cult of stars is an order of Assassins, made up entirely of women. They vow never to stop until they or their target is dead. Every once in a while they do fail and there's occasionaly an upheaval when their leaders replaced. They are very expensive, so they may not have been hired for a complete job once we fled the city. They are based at the Tower of Vour way down in southern Emer. It sits on a battlefield which is now a marsh haunted by the undead armies of the lost nations of Ansidus and Rael which fought each other for 1000 years.

He approves of our handling of Radek though reinforces the never speak that name stuff. He tells us that the Zagerites are indeed getting more pro-active and powerful. They advocate the burning of heretics, which is of course, everyone else.

We describe the obelisks with the Charon writing. He nods. We tell him about our six fingered friend and the god construct. Anton thinks it's a fairly powerful magic. He'd dearly love meet our six fingered friend. We tell him again of our visions of the temple of Cay. He identifies the palace again as Votania the seat of the Emporer of Emer. He reminds us of the eight orders of the Emerian empire. Anton has more respect for us now. "Perhaps there is a reason you are all together." "The order of the white flame at one point manufactured a number of special items for each order." Woo hoo! Mystic loot meant just for us!!!! All items have a special lens made of Lain associated with it.
  • Order of Eye: Circlet with scrying powers.
  • Order of Silver Sword: Yarkbalka, large broadsword with powers.
  • Order of Cloak (priests): Mace with powers
  • Order of Ring (mages): Telescope
  • Order of Sun (farmers): Pendant (Gold sunburst)
  • Order of Winds: Bridles and Reins
  • Order of Hand: Who knows what they had... D. likes them. (Set of masks maybe?)
  • Order of White Flame (Alchemists): Visors

The lain lenses were enchanted to focus essense flows which powered the items. They were meant to be inherited from parent to child, so only descendants of the original orders would be able to use them at full capacity.

We tell him that we hung out in the Garden of Eissa. He seems stunned and asks Imre to explain in depth. Imre does. This leads into a discussion of the necromantic dude ranch which we also seeme dot have failed to mention.

One of the Loremaster seers recently came up with a new prophesy. "Eight were the servants of Daenku. Powerful lords, they served a greater master. But time was cruel and War put an end to the Power of Daenku. The Eight returned, yet the sought new guidance: Ondoval filled the void with Darkness. While Daenku slept for the second time, His Cult turned from the Narrow grey path. Crystal reflections were to defeat the Eyes If both are lost then hope dies. Few guessed the purpose of the Cult of Old, subtle as whispers in a gale. Now their actions speak and realms fall. The Order meets again in the Hallowed Hall."

The reference to the Eyes seem clear. Danklu was a nephew of Utha. We don't know the name Anduval. (A Lord of Essense or even possibly Lorgalis.)

We tell him again about our adventure with Rianne and the potatoes. We were sure we mentioned that to him before. "Yes, you did mention it, but I thought you were kidding."

We then ask Anton for his suggestion about what we do next. He thinks we should go to Selkai and then Namar Toll. Vallandra agrees we should go to Selkai first and talk to her parents. Only Loar can be full citizens of Namar Toll. Erlin are allowed, but not full citizens. Humans aren't really allowed past the ports.

We decide to spend a day or two here resupplying and picking up our purchases and stuff, and then head out to Selkai. D. finds that her Bohemian friends are on tour in Selkai!

Orhan 5 Day 30 TE 6052

We arrive in Selkai!!! (We get to dev a level in Selkai. Payed of course.)

