Session 373

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 3 Day 21 TE 6063

We wonder if we should storm the place after Kyrik is feeling a little better.

But he's not getting better right away, so we get bored and then head on in.

We disguise ourselves as unseen, nondetected, misfelt, invisible, flyng birds. We head in.

We find no ways into the towers without opening a window and setting off a ward. So we head on in thorugh the door between the guardian statues. It's clear that the statues hate Good, so we misfeel under our nondetects as: Evil Magician, Evil Monk, Evil Cleric, and Sorcerer. "Dammit! I hate this place!" says Imre.

We get in past the statues and have to carefully teleport past several guards. We do so and then regain invisibility. We sneak down to the level with the prison cells. We see the cells, but they are all locked and guarded by a couple of guards.

We see a couple human adults, a couple of half elves, and several children spread among two cells.

We decide to take out the two guards and then free people. Alynna and Oathat takes guard A. The guard is slept twice by Oathar (two of three Words in his Phrase), and Alynna does him 57 points of damage and breaks his hip. Guard B goes to sleep, and then Haeraan kills him in a blow. During the killing blow, Haeraan gets the sense of dejavu and realizes that he will kill this guy someday in the future. DAng! He's fragged. Imre starts trying to save him. Oathar starts preparing the massive evac teleport while everyone else picks locks. Alynna flubs her lock: "Stop raking and get serious!"

We finally get the guys out, and then teleport away just as reinforcements arrive. Imre brings the dead guy with us so he can keep up the surgery. Oathar teleported them to the basecamp only a mile away. So, while surgery continues, he draws a couple of circles of no scrying around them. . Oathar berates Haeraan for killing someone he's already killed before. How did you forget that guy! He's got a giant scar on his face!" "Well, he does *now!"

During surgery, a couple of the skiffs set sail and start patrolling. We cover ourselves with a phantasm of snow. We set off a campfire and leave him there after surgery and let is guys in skiffs come find him.

We're happy to finally escape from the area after a few teleport mishaps and end up in the kid's village.

Having earned the trust of the villagers, we invite them to move to Quellbourne. The half evles are from the blue forest in the southern region of this area. We invite them too, but they warn us that in addition to all the other stuff stalking elves down there, the whispering death stalks those woods as well. "What was once confined to the forest of dear, has moved to the blue forest." We ask if that's like iron wind, and they say, "No, it is worse, the shards.".

First we try to recruit the locals. Haeraan makes some diplomacy roles to convince the villagers to become our population base in Quellbourne. They'd like assurances that they won't starve since they can't take their crops. We agree that they will move now and we will take care of food. It's about 200 people plus stuff.

Orhan 3 Day 23 TE 6063

We hire a navigator to escort the guys to Quellbourne. He charges us 85 gold to get us all down there safely. At least, from natural problems. We escort to prevent non-natural problems.

He brings us there avoiding big problems and little problems too, as we skirt along foothills to the south and avoiding the forest of deer. 50 miles to the north of this place is the Vale of Running Death. Shards, of course.

Orhan 3 Day 33 TE 6063

We go through a pass to the mountains to the south just a few miles north of Rumeru, most Eastern city on the main road of Soralis.

Eventually, we arrive! Huzzah! Quellbourne levels up!