Session 388

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 2 TE 6063

While we are talking, an ataza rides up. Iblis is her name. She's with the Combata and wants to work together with us. She assures us Bathym has not yet opened any caches. She's got a huge host of taza at her command. She's totally ready to start the war.

OK, we'll bring her along for a while.

We prepare to head out towards the poison lake to examine the next cache. But first, Imre get a little vial of poison lake poison. It's quite poisonous. In fact it's not poisonous water, it's actual a lake made of poisonous. The worst part is that there are fish in it. Locals tell us that only ishru types can drink it safely. Everyone else gets the shimmering death when they drink it. It's pretty terrible.

Haeraaan starts flying out there towards the island. The's an octagonal expance of tranlucent blue glass with a well in the center with mooring projections around the perimeter, with staircases descending into the center well.

He lands on the glass and is ambushed by four guys who pop up out of the staircases and leap upon Haeraan. Haeraan and those dudes fight. Eventually we go help him. Well, everyone except Imre and Oathar, as Imre declines to teleport into the fight. Haeraan gets pummeled and then people intervene on his behalf. Then Iblis is teleported over and Oathar joins her followed by Imre who relents. She tries to stop the fight.

Iblis introduces us to the ambushers. They are four of Bathyms best agents. While she's talking the bad guys down, we read her mind. She's in tight with us and doesn't want these idiots messing it up. She sends them away.

Haeraan goes into the well and gets the gauntlet out of the secret box. While he retrieves it, Iblis things, "Not the right one, must be the last one." It's first power is to cast all alchemists base lists to your level, and it's second power is +25 to forging and blacksmithing rolls. Wow. That's going to the alchemy mine.

Time to head down to the place near Bathym's headquarters.

Orhan 4 Day 5 TE 6063

Imre sneaks off to talk to Jaezel about Iblis. Jaezel thinks she's bad. So did we. Not really any revelations are bad.

The next morning, there's a vast power at the top of the hill, which everyone except Haeraan can sense. We start heading up the hill, but Haeraan, jealous of our enhanced senses tries to stop us. He even goes so far as to ask Rianne if we should go up that hill or not. Rianne of course says yes, because Rianne knows of the power too. On top fo the hill, an arch opens up at the top and we are lead into the side of the hill near the top of the glassy slopes. We head up inside and find that a demon comes out of a onyx gateway in the wall. It attacks. Alynna kills it.

We see a underground lake and a passage that heads off to the side. We follow it. Midway down the passageway. "Your doom awaits amidst these shadows, turn back unless you seek death." We press on.

At the end of the corridor, it seems to be nothing. Then Alynna searches for a Hidden Door, but fails. We try to get Haeraan to find it, but he's grumpy. Look, there's a secret door that leads to a staircase up here. There doesn't seem to be much up there though. When we get to the room at the top though, there's not a lot there by a prism. It's an Arcane prism. The prism emits a beam of red light. It's also emits green light. It does something else, but Oathar doesn't know what. So he attumes to it. You press the buttons to make it emit RGB light. The room is filled with blue light. Essence users resist except Alynna who loses half her power points. Haeraan finds another exit from the room.

We short door through and on the other side we find a short corridor that ends in double stone doors. Oathar goes through and finds not traps, but sees some tapetries. Oathar communes with the tapestries for a while. They are so pretty. Haeraan manages to push the stone doors open. The rest of the group finds a hidden door behind the tapestry Oathar is studying. There's a short passageway beyong that leads to a circular chamber with a statue of a muscular youth in it. Down in the chamber, the statue animates and attacks. Oathar and Imre both fail to Unstone it. We chop the golem and find another passageway.

We come to another chamber that seems to have a hologram of Mahari Ridane in it. "Why have you come?" "We seek to free you." "Then you must continue to seek." "What must we seek?" "To avoid dying." She tells us that this is the tomb of the other two loremasters. What we seek lies within according to the hologram.