Session 73

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 43 TE 6056

The next morning we return to the porcullis. Look! Black obelisks written on in ancient Zorian! Sigh.

Kyrik tries to portal us through the wall next to the portcullis. We wander through to the obelisks. They seem to be not magic, evil, nor cursed.

Haeraan starts fussing with a door. He gets sucked into the room, and finds a barrow wight wearing a golden chain shirt and grieves, two handed sword, and crown. Oh dear. We portal ourselves through and hilarity ensues. We get him! The fight is massive, Alynna bleeds everywhere, many people are frozen with cold crits, but in the end, Oathar slays the mighty wight with a blow from his staff.

The sword is unholy and the crown is evil. The armor protects as AT20 and is +30 DB. Gosh. Haeraan smashes the crown. The unholy sword seems to have some +25 OB among it's unholy stuff.

Back to exploring. We come to another little crypt. Haeraan prepares the party to fight a mummy. Oathar attacks with a massive fire bolt. Imre attacks with a magic disruption bolt. Haeraan smites it. No treasure.

Then there's a vault door. Gosh. We try to avoid the traps, but Oathar gets caught in one. Suddenly he turns into an undead ghost. Haeraan decides to slay him, but Imre summons the god construct to uncurse him. Kyrik puts up an appropriately placed wall of darkness to cover the glyph of undeadness, and we head in. Inside are lot's of shelves with chests of gold and gems. On the end wall are pedestals with 5x5 square metal things. Yup, them's teleport pads. Woo! 10 activations per day! Each!

Kyrik and Haeraan discuss the possible blasphemy involved in Kyrik taking the AT20 Armor! Much angst is had. Eventually, he puts it on. "Are you of the line of kings?" Oh dear, it's alive. It starts attacking him. He takes it off, and tosses it back into the sarcophogus.

Haeraan short doors into the other line of kings area, and we head down the corridor with the glowing blue stone. After fussing for a while, we start teleporting people through. Unfortunately, Oathar fails his roll, so can't teleport himself into the deathtraps with everyone else. While waiting for Oathar, Imre sets off the chemical fireball barrage. Boom! Boom! Imre is immolated! Kyrik is toasted! Alynna is singed! Haeraan is warmed! Most of the clothing in the non-Oathar part of the party is destroyed by fireballs. Imre heals people. Ouch. Oathar heads back to the elemental temple to recover.

When tehy get another location, the contact Oathar via earring phone and have him teleport to their new location. Everyone not Oathar is pretty dead though, so they sleep for the night.

Orhan 1 Day 44 TE 6056

Haeraan has a dream that strongly implies we must go up. Luckily there are little levers that make up able to exit the current room through the top. Above we are in another square chamber with four doors. There are inscriptions:

N) Tomb of Phynes Zaon E) Tomb of Xernak Zaon S) Tomb of Mornan Zaon W) Tomb of Langu Zaon

Sadly, det enemies reveals mummy, wight, skeleton, mummy, ghost, mummy, and wraith. Oh dear.

We use desitny sense to go the correct way and find a giant sarcophogus with blue glow. Seems to be a spell of preservation (essense/channeling). We find two attached vaults, but don't go in them yet.

Instead we open the sarcophogus. It's got a blue glowing glass coffin inside. Inside that is a highman well preserved with an amulet with a moon stone.

He dies while we watch. Imre casts Lifegiving. Eissa asks who we want resurrected. Imre says Mornan Zaon.

He wakes up, and then passes out.

Orhan 1 Day 46 TE 6056

He's feeling better. We fuss over him. He goes to his vault, filled with art. Originals sculptures. Probable value: 5000-10000 gold each. Total value of the 2 dozen items in the room, 200,000 gold. We explain the whole blasted desert thing to him. He hates that. He really likes his art though. Imre seems entranced.

The king is in his late 20s. He really liked art and culture more than ruling Zor. He did some parks and stuff, but then got wasting disease. Bummer.

We tell him about all the other stuff in his vaults.

We describe ancient visions about the crowns. He thinks someone is using the Griffin crown in bad ways. Very strange.

He wants to find the crown and restore Zor.

We decide to bring him back to Griffin College with us.


